Linear Kinematics

Chapter 1: Sig Figs and Uncertainty:

1A. Review Significant Figures


The Rules and some examples

More Examples

1B. What uncertainty is


Types of uncertainty:

 Help site for

The Uncertainty Sheet



1C. The propagation rule for adding and subtracting


Propagating uncertainty when adding or subtracting:

1D. The propagation rule for multiplying and dividing


Propagating uncertainty when you multiply or divide:

With percent:

With Absolute Uncertainty:

 1E. The propagation rule for powers


Propagating uncertainty with powers:

1F. Use Scientific Notation

No Noteguide yet

Using Scientific Notation:

1G. Understand m-k-s units and prefixes.

 (no noteguide yet)

How to Metric System:

Chapter 2: Kinematics:

2A. Be able to calculate velocity

2B.   Understand the vector nature of velocity

Kinematic Quantities and Vector Velocity:

2C. Relate Velocity and Acceleration

Velocity and acceleration:

Positive and Negative Accelerations

(Skip to 5:15 in the video, watch until 7:50)

2D. Solve problems with displacement, velocity, and acceleration.


Velocity, Acceleration, and Displacement:

A boring video in which I derive the suvat formulas

2E. Convert units in Physics problems. 

 Unit Conversions:


2F.  Interpret Position vs Time graphs and calculate Velocity from the Slope.


 Interpreting Position vs Time Graphs:

Calculating Instantaneous velocity:

2G. Interpret Velocity vs Time graphs and calculate acceleration from the slope, and displacement from graph area.

Displacement = Area Under Graph:

2G1. Interpret Velocity Time Graphs Qualitatively.

2H. Solve Free fall problems


Solving Free Fall Problems:

  Video Help site for:  How Far III

Video help site for:

Free Fall Practice Problems



Here is a website that has more helpful videos to help you with the lab:

Rocket Lab

 The website for this lab:

Moving Plots Lab 

Making the Graphs, and adding models:

