SHM and Waves

2020 School Closure Calendar

Syllabus, Handouts and Lectures for this unit:  Calendar | Handouts | Lectures

Solution Page for SHM worksheet:  SHM  (old)

Video Solutions for the simple Harmonic Motion worksheet: SHM Worksheet

Video Solutions: Polarization and Rayleigh Criterion (P12NP)

Labs:  Resonant Systems Lab .:. Waves Lab .:. Speed of Sound

Pandemic Labs: Waves Lab .:. Interference Lab .:.  Standing Waves Lab .:. Diffraction Lab

IB Problems: IB Resonant Systems .:. IB SHM .:. IB Waves

SHM   Assessments: 11.0 SHM Graphs .:.  11.1 - Simple Harmonic Motion .:. 11.2 Resonant Systems

Waves Assessments: 12.0 Basic Waves .:. 12.1 - Standing Waves .:. 12.2 - Doppler and Interference .:. 

12.2A Diffraction Gratings .:. 12.3 - Refraction

Skip to Waves

Chapter 11- Simple Harmonic Motion and Resonance

11A.    Solve kinematic problems involving simple harmonic motion.


Video of Simple Harmonic Motion: (Don't watch too long....)

Basic Concepts and Formulas in SHM:

Solving SHM Kinematics:

11A2.     Interpret graphs of Simple Harmonic Motion to infer position, velocity and acceleration.


Interpreting SHM Graphs:

XC Skiing

11B.    Solve energy problems involving simple harmonic motion.


Solving SHM Energy:

11C.    Solve problems with simple pendulums

Noteguide11C-Pendulums.docx (Pandemic)

Simple Pendulums

3. Resonance and Damping

4. Demo of Phase Lag

5. Phase Lag in Resonant Systems

6. Phase Lag Graph

11E.    Do calculations with Q factor


Noteguide11E-QFactor.pdf - Pandemic Link (2020 - use this one)

Damping in General:

Damping part 2:


Part 1: Q Factor Calculations

Fort Rock March 2021

Chapter 12 - Sound and Standing Waves

12A.    Basic calculations with waves: v = f x lambda


Frequency, Wavelength, Velocity:

12B.    Understand the types of waves

12C.    Understand reflections and energy transport with waves

PIPELINEFUNK - A guy riffs with his own echo from the other end of a long section of pipe.  The other end is either closed off, or open, either would cause the echo we hear.

You can actually calculate the length of the pipe from the time between beats as he riffs.

12C1.    Understand the inverse square law.

Concept Zero - The Definition of Intensity:

Concept One - The Inverse Square Law:

12D.     Understand the principle of superposition

12D1.    Understand the relationship between amplitude and Intensity.

Amplitude and Intensity:

12E.    Understand how to calculate types of interference

Part 2 - The IB question:

12F1.    Solve Young's Double Slit Problems


F1: Young's Double slit problems:

12F2.    Solve single slit diffraction problems


F2: Single slit patterns:

12F3.    Solve problems with diffraction gratings.

12G.     Solve problems with standing waves.

Demonstrations of Standing Waves: - Part 1

Both Ends Fixed:

Another example of both ends fixed:

Both ends Free:

One End Fixed:

What standing waves are, and why they happen:

Calculations with standing waves:

Calculations of first three modes: Part 2

Standing Waves with both ends fixed:

Standing Waves with both ends free:

In general - the symmetric modes (both ends free, both ends fixed) have harmonics that go 1Fo, 2Fo, 3Fo, 4Fo, 5Fo, ... and the asymmetric standing waves (one end free, one end fixed) go 1F0, 3Fo, 5Fo, 7Fo, 9Fo, ... so they only resonate at odd multiples of the fundamental frequency.

12H.    Solve Problems with the Doppler Effect:


Example of Doppler Effect - Car Horn:

Example of Doppler Effect - Train:

Basic Doppler Effect:

Calculating Moving Source Doppler:

Calculations with Moving Observer Doppler:

12I.    Understand the properties of sound, and the human experience of it.


Properties of Sound:

12I2.    Solve for beats.  Understand how this concept leads to harmony in music

12J.    Solve problems with the index of refraction.

12J1.    Solve thin film interference problems.

Thin Films Part 1:

Thin Films Part 2:

12K.    Solve refraction problems with Snell's Law.


Refraction and Snell's Law:

12L.    Solve Problems with critical angle and total internal reflection

12N.    Using the Rayleigh Criterion


The Rayleigh Criterion: (Starring Matt Damon)

12O.    Solve resolution problems with diffraction gratings


Resolution in Diffraction Gratings:

12P.    Solving Polarization problems

12Q.    Solve problems with Brewster's Angle

Brewster's Angle: