Study for the Chapter 4 Test

Resources PreQuiz 4.1 | PreQuiz 9.1

Page 1 – Elevator problem.

a. Acceleration with a certain tension - 2:19 Vertical Accel Part 1

b. tension with an upward acceleration - Vertical Acceleration Example 1 - 2:38

c. tension with a downward acceleration - 3:26 Vertical Accel Part 2

d. tension and acceleration with suvat - Vertical Accel + suvat Example 1

e. tension and acceleration with suvat - Vertical Accel + suvat Example 4


Net force: 4, 10, 11

Prequiz 4.1 #4

More Things to study:

5:06 Vertical Accel Part 3

Examples on YouTube:

Vertical Acceleration Example 1 - 2:38

Vertical Acceleration Example 2 - 2:32

Vertical Acceleration Example 3 - 2:41

Vertical Acceleration Example 4 - 2:10

Vertical Acceleration Example 5 - 5:45

Vertical Acceleration Example 6 - 4:29

Vertical Acceleration Example 7 - 4:28

Vertical Acceleration Example 8 - 3:24

Page 2 – Box sliding across the floor with friction

a+b. Calculate weight and kinetic friction. Label forces as the box is dragged at a constant speed along the surface. - Read section 4-6, 4-8, especially look at figure 4-27- HTPIB04D More Than Once Force (I draw the picture you need to draw in the first 3:00) and Calculating Friction Example 1

c. Acceleration with an applied force - Friction and Accel Example 1

d. External force to get a certain acceleration - Friction and Accel Example 3

e. External force with suvat - Friction and Accel Example 4


Net Force: 3, 5, 7, 13

Prequiz 4.1 #3

More things to study:


Solving Acceleration with Friction

Friction and Accel Example 1

Friction and Accel Example 2

Friction and Accel Example 3

Friction and Accel Example 4

Friction and Accel Example 5

Friction and Accel Example 6

Friction and Accel Example 7

Friction and Accel Example 8

Friction and Accel Example 9

Friction and Accel Example 10

Page 3 – Inclined plane with friction

a. Calculate Parallel, and Perpendicular gravity components along with kinetic and maximum static friction - 5:30 Solving Inclined Planes A (The first part)

b. Will the block remain on the plane if it is at rest? Justify. - 5:30 Solving Inclined Planes A (The last bit)

c. Acceleration freely sliding down the plane. - 2:43 Solving Inclined Planes B

d. Acceleration with an given applied force - Inclined Planes Example 6

e. Force given an acceleration - Inclined Planes Example 2


Inclined Planes: 1b, 2e, 2d, 4c, 3b

More things to study:

Yeah - watch all of these, (parts A-E)

8:13 Pulleys and Equilibrants #11

c. Vertical equilibrium for a box on a plane with a string supporting some of its weight - read section 4-6 in the book. Especially pay attention to figure 4-15, and look at example 4-6(b and c) on page 82

d-e: Two unknowns with matrices - force equilibrium

9:54IBI 04-06-01 Prequiz 9.1



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