Currents and Circuits

18A.    Understand what current is.


Electrical Current:

18B.    Use Ohm's Law.

18C1.    Do calculations with resistivity.  

18C2.    Do calculations with electron drift velocity


Electron Drift Velocity:

18D.    Calculate electrical power.


Electrical Power:

18E.    Solve AC power problems with RMS.

18F.    Solve series circuits.

Whiteboards: (The first and third are on your noteguide)

Series Example 1

Series Example 2

Series Example 3

Series Example 4

18G.    Solve parallel circuits.

18H.    Calculate series and parallel resistances.

18I.    Calculate resistances of reducible networks.

18J1.    Solve reducible network circuits using a single reduction. 


Single Poppers:

Net Example 1

Net Example 2

18J2.    Solve reducible network circuits using multiple reductions


Double Poppers:

Net Example 3:

Net Example 4:

18K.     Understand terminal voltage of a battery.

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

Lobster Sticks to Magnet

18L.    Solve network circuits using Kirchhoff's laws and matrices.


Kirchhoff's Laws:

Loop and Junction Rule:

 2. Answering Voltages and Powers:

3. Answering what |V1| is:

4. Something Incredibly Geeky with your TI Calculator:

18M.    Understand how to use an Oscilloscope

Basic Oscilloscope Stuff

Calculating Period and Peak Voltage on an Oscilloscope

18N.    Solving for capacitance in series, parallel and in networks.


Adding Capacitors:


