DL-Atomic and Nuclear

Demo - Nuclear Chain Reaction - the classic ping pong balls on a mousetrap chain reaction.  It would be cool to have a kid slo mo this on their phone.

Lab - Nuclear decay lab - I wrote a simulation that allows the characters on the DOS screen "decay".  The algorithm checks each nucleus and generates a random number.  If the number is below or(or equal?) to the decay probability, it decays the atom.   I talk about the code, and then the kids gather data, and sure enough - it generates exponential data.

The website is helpful:


It runs on DOS Box which I think is available on both Windows  and Mac OS 

Demo - Geiger Counters - I put them near the radioactive rocks and they go crazy.  Put them at opposite ends of the counter.  Simultaneous chirps could be cosmic ray events!!  (Much more likely if you had like 10 Geiger counters and they all chirped at the same time!)

Lab - Photoelectric PhET Lab - A PhET simulation that helps you understand how the Photoelectric Effect works.  I have a quiz on Canvas that the kids do.

Website:   Photoelectric PHET 

Lab - Rutherford Scattering PhET - Lets you look at how Rutherford discovered the nucleus.  Most alphas are not scattered, but a few get sent straight back.

Website:  Rutherford PHET 

Lab - Alpha Decay PhET - A visual modeling of the quantum tunneling that takes place during alpha decay.

Website:   Alpha Decay PhET 

Lab - Beta Decay PhET - Visualization of Beta - decay.  Also develops the notion of half life.

Website:  Beta Decay PhET 

Lab - Nuclear Fission PhET - Explores the idea of the fission of a single atom, and of a chain reaction, and finally a reactor.

Website:  Nuclear Fission PhET 

Demo - stuff