Relativity and Astrophysics

Syllabus, Handouts and PowerPoints for this unit: Syllabus | Handouts | Lectures

Labs for this unit: Stellar Evolution Flowchart .:. Hubble Lab

Review Site for the AstroTest

What you need to learn:

Chapter 26 - Special Relativity:

26A. Understand what ether is, and why the Michelson Morley experiment failed to find it. Understand Einstein's gedanken experiment, and the postulates of special relativity.


The Postulates of Special Relativity:

26B. Understand how the postulates lead to time dilation


Rationale for Time Dilation:

Deriving the Time Dilation Equation:

26C. Solve problems with Time Dilation, Length Contraction, and Mass Dilation

26F. Understand the Twin Paradox

26G. Understand simultaneity.

26H. Solve problems with relativistic Kinetic Energy.


Relativistic Kinetic Energy:

26I. Solve relativistic addition of velocity problems.


Relativistic Addition of Velocities:

26J. Use the energy-momentum formula.

Yeah - I don't have any video of this - read the book section 26-9.

General Relativity - Chapter 33

33A. Understand the Principle of Equivalence


Principle of Equivalence:

33B. Apply the curvature of space to observations

33C. Solve problems with black holes and Schwarzschild radius.


Example 1

33D. Understand gravitational time dilation using the approximate frequency shift equation.


Gravitational Frequency and Wavelength Shift:


Example 1

Example 2

33E. Solve problems with gravitational time dilation using the Schwarzschild radius.


Gravitational Time Dilation:


Example 1

Example 2

Chapter 33 - Astrophysics:

A. Use and understand the Wien displacement formula.

B. Calculate the total power output of a star.

C. Calculate the apparent brightness of a star.

D. Calculate the apparent magnitude of a star.

E. Calculate the absolute magnitude of a star.

F. Understand what an H-R diagram is, and what the main sequence is, and some common stars found off the main sequence.

G. Understand how to relate recession velocity to redshift using the approximate formula.

H. Use the Hubble law, and know what it means in terms of an expanding universe.