Your procedure is a narrative, not an ordered list. You talk us through how you collected your data
You address possible safety/ethics concerns. (with humor?)
There is a diagram of your setup that is annotated with all the materials and equipment you used. You can include photos as well, but you do need a diagram.
You describe how you manipulated your independent variable.
You describe how you measured your dependent variable.
You explain how the controlled variables you listed are kept constant.
You state which variations you used of your independent variable, and how many trials (repetitions) of the measurements of your dependent variable you did.
You explain why you chose those variations and number of trials.
You do need a diagram. Pictures are not diagrams. You can carefully draw it by hand, or make a computer generated one:
Reyne Miller, 2023
Callie Barker, 2023
If you did Computer Data Acquisition, include a screenshot of one of your points:
For my dependent variable, I note the timestamp of a smooth peak and another, 4 peaks after, that are at least 3 peaks away from the initial peak to avoid any error. To get the period of the system I would divide the time difference of the peaks by 5 leaving me with the average period of the system in seconds.
(Rafael Ojeda-Tellez 2023)