Review for the Chapter 5 and 6 Test

Cross off one: The underlined links take you to videos of me solving a problem just like the test question.

Page 1 – Person pushing a box up an incline

a. Potential energy (simple) Gravitational Potential Energy Example 1

b. Change in Kinetic energy (just like mock test, just like PQ6 #1) Kinetic Energy Example 3

c. Work (simple) Calculating Work using W = Fs (The first 60 seconds)

d. Force of friction (IQ on the line...) Conservation of Energy Example 3

e. Force to move up the plane at a constant velocity (just like mock test 1c - look below)

Also - Look atEnergy: 7, 9, 10

Page 2– Energy Potpourri

a. Kinetic and potential energy Kinetic Energy Example 1 Gravitational Potential Energy Example 1

b. Work, time and power Power Example Power Example 3

c. Conservation of energy (1 to 1) (Energy:1, 4)

d. Conservation of energy (1 to 2) (Energy:3, 5, 7) Conservation of Energy Example 1

e. Conservation of energy (2 to 2) (Energy:8, 9) Conservation of Energy Example 2

Page 3– Vertical circle, Centrifugal force

a. Centripetal acceleration (pretty basic) Centripetal Acceleration Example 1

b. Force exerted at the top and bottom of the circle (Orbit and Gravity:-1, 0) Vertical Circle Forces 1 VCO#3 VCO#4

c. If the force is thus and such, what is the velocity. (Orbit and Gravity:-1, 0), Vertical Circle Forces-2 VCO#5 VCO#6

d. What is the centripetal acceleration with period (new question - not a vertical circle) Centripetal Acceleration with Period

e. Centripetal force (5:2, 4) Centripetal Acceleration Example 2 Centripetal Force Example 1

Page 4– Orbit and Gravity

a. Force of gravity between the moon and the planet (Orbit and Gravity:1, 2a)

b. Orbital speed/Period of orbit. (Orbit and Gravity:6, 7) Orbit Example 1 Orbit Example 4 VCO#7 VCO#11

c. Orbit question. (Orbit and Gravity:11) Orbit Example 2 VCO#9

d. Force of gravity question. (Orbit and Gravity:3, 4))

e. Orbit lab question - how do you get from orbit to orbit? (Like the Orbit Lab - specifically New Orbit - how to change orbits from elliptical to circular)

Mock Test:

Download the document: Misc-MockTest.docx

The videos after the questions are me solving them on YouTube. :-P

IB Physics Mock Test on Chapters 5 and 6

1. An elevator motor speeds up a 543 kg elevator from 5.0 m/s to 9.0 m/s , accelerating the elevator upwards over a distance of 7.5 m. There is a constant friction force of 850 N opposing the elevator.

A. What is the elevator’s change in kinetic and potential energy? (+15,204 J KE, +39,951 J PE) – with no SF

B. What force must the motor exert on the elevator? (8,204 N)

C. What force must the motor exert to make the elevator move at a constant speed? (6,177 N)



2. – A collection of random energy questions:

A. A motor does 3120 J of work in 1.2 minutes, what is its power? What work would it do in 5.0 minutes? (43 W, 13,000 J)

B. You throw a 0.145 ball straight up exerting a force of 37.0 N vertically for 1.20 m. At what elevation (above the lowest point) is the ball going 14.5 m/s? (20.5 m)

C. Fred throws a 0.357 kg ball straight downward at 12.0 m/s from the top of a 22.0 m tall cliff. What was the average force of air friction if the ball strikes the ground with a velocity of only 17.0 m/s (2.33 N)



3. Red Elk twirls a 2.10 kg stone at a constant velocity on the end of a 35.0 cm long string with a period of 0.850 seconds.

A. What is the tension in the string at the top and at the bottom? (19.6 N down, +60.8 N up)

B. What would be the velocity of the stone if there were a tension of 78.0 N at the bottom? (3.09 m/s)

C. A centrifuge spins with a period of 0.0150 seconds, and a radius of 23.0 cm. What is the centripetal acceleration in “g”s at the edge of the centrifuge, and what is the tangential velocity at this point? (4110 “g”s, 96.3 m/s)



4. A planet with mass 6.21x1024 Kg has a moon of mass 1.17x1021 Kg that orbits with a speed of 1021 m/s.

A. What is the distance between the moon and the planet? (3.97x108 m)

B. What would be the period of the moon’s orbit if the moon were 1.78x108 m from the planet? (7.33x105 s)

C. If a 12.5 kg object on the surface of that planet weighed 104 N, what is its radius? (7.06x106m)
