
DNR staff may be involved in either the receiving of grants or the giving of grants.

Template agreements for the giving of grants can be found under Procurement Templates & Forms. The Office of the State Controller has published both a policy for Competition Requirements for Grants and an associated Technical Guidance Document.

Staff who receive grant funds should contact their financial services section, who will work with the DNR Accounting Office to establish spending authority and an account coding string in the State’s financial system so that grant funds can be expended. DNR program staff must be aware of the conditions of the grant when expending funds. Click here for more information.

Staff giving grants to outside entities must follow the appropriate procurement and fiscal code and rules. Many grants given to outside entities are exempt from the procurement code, but staff should contact the DNR Purchasing Office to ensure that they are establishing processes and procedures consistent with DNR policies and accepted practices. See the DNR Grant Guidelines. Grants in excess of $5000 must have a valid purchase order or contract issued before the grantee begins grant activities.