Employee Organizations

COWINS: https://www.coloradowins.org/

Colorado Workers for Innovative and New Solutions (WINS) is a union representing more than 31,000 state employees who work to ensure our quality of life in communities in every corner of our state.

If you are looking for information to make modifications or updates to your payroll deductions please contact them directly at info@cowins.org

CWEPA: https://www.coloradowepa.org/

Colorado Wildlife Employees Protective Organization

CWEPA provides members with death and retirement benefits, legal protective features, liaison with Colorado Parks and Wildlife staff, and representation, furthering the ability of employees to work for the wildlife resource.

CSPEPA: http://cspepa.org/

Colorado State Parks Employee Protective Association

Colorado State Parks Employee Protection Agency’s (CSPEPA) goal is to provide members in good standing with retirement benefits, legal protection, liaison to Colorado Parks & Wildlife management staff, representation in matters concerning Association membership, work relevant training, and recognition of employees who go above and beyond while performing their duties for Colorado State Parks.

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