Employee Relations:

DNR’s Employee Relations Manager and Specialist act as liaisons for both employer and employee support for maintaining solid working relationships within the workplace.  As an organization, DNR strives to provide fair and consistent treatment as well as establish processes for all employees to improve business relationships, prevent issues and resolve disputes arising from situations at work.

The DNR Human Resource Office is committed to providing guidance and information to employees, managers and supervisors through:

If you are looking for additional guidance or need assistance working through a situation in the workplace we encourage employees and management to reach out to DNR's Labor & Employee Relations Manager, Danyelle Wehrle danyelle.wehrle@state.co.us) or Labor & Employee Relations Specialist Brian Larson at brian.larson@state.co.us for assistance and navigation.

 Labor Relations: 


As we continue to grow at DNR we want to ensure proper adherence to new initiatives and guidelines set forth in the Partnership Agreement signed into law in November of 2021 and updated in November of 2022.  We are here to discuss any topics that fall under the Agreement and continue to work with our teams to implement any best practices.  Questions on Articles or how certain Articles may affect you or your team please reach out to us!

DNR's Labor Relations Manager is Danyelle Wehrle and can be reached at danyelle.wehrle@state.co.us.

DNR's Labor and Employee Relations Specialist is Brian Larson and can be reached at brian.larson@state.co.us.    

FAQs and the Partnership Agreement can be found in its entirety : Link to the Agreement

For more information about COWINS see : https://www.coloradowins.org/