October 27, 2023

Dear Maureen, I’m Pete Baklinski and this is your Canadian Pro-Life News Bits where I let you know what’s happening on our country’s pro-life and pro-family front.

It was heartening to see Saskatchewan under Premier Scott Moe’s leadership pass the Parents’ Bill of Rights which recognizes the right of parents to “act as the primary decision-maker with respect to the pupil’s education.” This is great news and a big win for parental rights. My colleague David Cooke has penned an excellent report on this.

Our country’s euthanasia rate continues to skyrocket with 13,241 Canadians being killed this way in 2022, representing 4.1% of all deaths. We can expect these numbers to climb dramatically beginning next March when the category of killable people expands to include those suffering from mental illness and depression.

As CLC President Jeff Gunnarson recently said about this in an interview with the New York Sun: “We are indeed sliding down the slippery slope where, soon, anyone who wants to be killed by the state, can be killed. This pandora’s box of legalizing euthanasia should never have been opened in the first place. It was with good reason that God commanded us not to murder others.”

Did you hear any mainstream reports about the second Million March 4 Children that took place last weekend? Me neither. That’s why I’m so glad for independent media that covers stories like this. The Rebel did a great job of covering marchers that took place in Toronto, Calgary, Montreal, and a few other places.

My colleague Matt Wojciechowski, VP of CLC, has helped launch a new podcast along with Culture of Life Africa foundress Obianuju Ekeocha. What I love about this podcast is that it’s laser-focused on life issues. The latest episode can be found here. Episode 5, which is titled “Parents wake up! CSE is already in your schools,” is about to be released. Don’t miss it!

Finally, there’s an inspiring story about a woman who, sadly, was trafficked at a young age, became pregnant, and whose life was saved by her baby. I was deeply moved by her story and think you will be too.

Top Canadian pro-life stories you need to know about

Campaign Life Coalition: Big Pro-Family Win in Saskatchewan

“Despite vociferous opposition from pro-LGBT politicians and their media darlings, Saskatchewan handily passed its flagship Parents’ Bill of Rights, which recognizes the right of parents to ‘act as the primary decision-maker with respect to the pupil’s education.’”

Campaign Life Coalition: Fighting for Parental Rights: Can your provincial rep follow their example?

“The first courageous politician I want to tell you about, is BC Conservative Party Leader, MLA John Rustad.”

Campaign Life Coalition: Alberta Needs a Parents’ Bill of Rights

“Alberta needs to pass its own version of Saskatchewan’s parental rights law. The time to stand up for parents and children is now.”

Campaign Life Coalition: ROE Canada is about to roll out

“This is a made-in-Canada movie, addressing the issue of abortion from a Canadian perspective, featuring Canadian voices, and I think it is the kind of cultural moment the Canadian pro-life movement can use to inspire a new wave of pro-life activism.”

CBC: Severe childbirth injuries from forceps, vacuum 'unacceptably high' in Canada, research shows

“Canadian mothers face a high rate of severe, long-term injuries from the use of forceps or vacuum in childbirth, and urgent action is needed to reduce it, the authors of a new analysis paper say.”

CLC Comment: I wonder if such high rates of damage to women during birth while using forceps and vacuums has anything to do with the fact that we are such a pro-abortion country? These tools are also used in our country to kill babies and rip them from their mothers' wombs. It's insane that the same tool can be used to deal death and to bring life.

Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: Health Canada reports 13,241 assisted deaths in 2022 representing 4.1% of all deaths

“Sadly, Canada has quickly become the most permissive euthanasia regime in the world…Recent stories indicate that Canadians are now dying by euthanasia for reasons of poverty, homelessness, disability, a lack of access to medical treatment and mental illness. We need a caring community, not a killing community.”

Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: Canada’s euthanasia programme is flirting with eugenics

“Kevin Yuill who was a professor of American Studies at the University of Sunderland in the UK was published by Spiked on October 25, 2023 about his concern that Canada's euthanasia program is eugenic.”

Toronto Sun: Medically assisted suicide for anorexia, drug addiction, homelessness?

“Is any line in the sand for the government in Canada when it comes to expanding euthanasia?”

ARPA: Slow but Steady Progress on Palliative Care

“We continue to need more investments and more education around palliative care in Canada so that people at the end of their lives are properly cared for rather than offered and given assisted suicide.”

The Rebel: Canada-wide protest against gender ideology ‘1MillionMarch4Children’ covered by Rebels

“The nationwide protest continues from last month’s huge turnout of thousands of concerned parents of different faith groups uniting to protect their children from the ongoing sexual indoctrination in school, despite Antifa, union and far-left counter protests.”

Reduxx: Canadian woman assaulted by trans activist at protest against gender ideology being taught in schools

“A trans activist assaulted a 52 year-old woman last weekend during a protest against gender ideology being taught in Canada’s school system.”

LifeSiteNews: Two Calgary men charged for private conversation en route to city’s Million Person March

“One man was handcuffed by police after his private conversation was reported by another passenger on a Calgary train.”

Inspiring stories to give you hope

Live Action: Trafficked and pregnant, Ashley chose life and found freedom: ‘Your child could be your saving grace’

Ashley shares her emotional story of being trafficked as a young girl and how her pregnancy saved her.

Pregnancy Help News: Pro-life runners gather to share joyful message of life’s sanctity at latest marathon retreat

“LIFE Runners’ 2023 national race retreat brought runners from numerous U.S. states to the Run Crazy Horse Marathon in the Black Hills of South Dakota, where they conveyed the pro-life message, donning the team’s signature REMEMBER The Unborn jerseys as they ran.”

Life News: Parents of Premature Twins Told to “Let Nature Run Its Course.” Now the Kids Are Eight

“New parents often gaze at their newborn and think, “This baby is a miracle!” But for Oregon parents Jourdan and Matt Moore, when their twins arrived in September of 2015, it truly was a “miracle” on many levels.”

Life News: Abortions Drop Almost 100% in States That Ban Abortions, Thousands of Babies Saved

“Abortions have dropped almost 100% in states that ban abortions, according to a new report from a group that supports abortions and tracks them nationwide. That means thousands of babies have been saved from certain death.”

Live Action: Baby girl born at 23 weeks sets record as smallest ever in Wales

“A baby born at 23 weeks gestation and weighing just 11 ounces has spent her entire life in the hospital – but she is growing and thriving, despite her status as the smallest baby ever born in Wales.”

Awesome pro-life social media posts this week

40 Days for Life

Bryan Kemper, Pro-life Activist

Campaign Life Coalition

Must-see video of the week

This pro-life woman explains why ending the life of an innocent child doesn’t erase the trauma of rape. “I know a lot of people would say the best thing for a woman who is pregnant from sexual assault would be to abort that baby, but I, through my experiences, would completely disagree,” she says. 

Take Action

If you live in Alberta, please use our online Action Alert platform to send a message to your MLA asking them to follow the lead of Saskatchewan by passing a bulletproof Parents’ Bill of Rights. Tap here.

Sign our new petition asking Manitoba Premier Wab Kinew to steer clear of enacting ‘bubble zone’ legislation. Tap here to add your name.


Maureen, I want you to be the first to know about a new report I’m working on that is of crucial importance to Canadians everywhere.

Did you know that over the past 50 years, Canada has been spiraling out of control to a catastrophic demographic demise? Put simply, Canadian women are not having enough children to replace themselves and their partners.

What this inevitably spells is a disaster on so many levels, especially socially and economically, as the population ages and a younger population is simply not there to fill empty workspaces, pay taxes, and keep the nation’s social and economic systems alive and healthy. Ancient civilizations rose and fell. Extinction can happen to our modern civilizations too. 

What is the solution to this problem? Some propose massive immigration.

I think there’s a better solution. And, it has to do with rediscovering the treasure of fertility and the astounding power we humans have in helping to create new human life.

As I write in my soon-to-be-released report: “What needs to happen to increase a country’s total fertility rate is that society must learn once again to treasure the great gift of fertility and men and women’s ability to participate in the creation of a new human life. This is something that ancient cultures understood and valued. For example, in the Old Testament, Abraham saw it as being blessed by God that a great nation of many people would come from his loins. He valued and cherished that he would have descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and the sand on the shore (Genesis 22:17).”

“We, as a people, need to regain this perspective. From such a perspective flows what John Paul II called a culture of life, where the ability to create life and life itself is valued and cherished for the profound gift that it is. In the end, creating a culture that values, treasures, and celebrates the generative process and the life that comes from it will be a culture that has a reason to procreate and become numerous in doing so. It is really the best sustainable path forward.”

I can’t wait to share the full report with you next week.

In the meantime, be bold and daring for life!