The Truth is Non Negotiable



by Fr. Jim Whalen

1997, Issue 2

    • Definitions as defined in Bill C-47...

    • ZYGOTE means a human organism during the first fourteen days of its development following fertilization, excluding any time spent in a frozen state.

    • EMBRYO means a Human organism during the period of its development beginning on the fifteenth day and ending on the fifty-sixth day following fertilization.

    • FOETUS means a human organism during the period of its development beginning

    • on the fifty-seventh day following fertilization and ending at birth.

The Canadian Catholic Conference of Bishops (CCCB), The Catholic Organization for Life and Family (COLF-a joint project of the CCCB and the Knights of Columbus), the Catholic Health Care Organization (CHO), Campaign Life Coalition (CLC) and the Catholic Woman’s League (CWL), have recommended that Bill C-47 be amended. It is recognized that It "shows a real desire to protect human life from the beginning, but at the same time it underlines a serious incoherence", leaving "a legal vacuum that is unacceptable". (Archbishop B. Blanchet).

If Bill C-47 is passed, it would ban 13 reproductive practices and genetic technologies including the selling or trading of human embryos, and the creation of embryos for research purposes. The CCCB brief reaffirmed the basic life principle that "Life comes from God in whose image everyone is created. Human life and dignity must therefore be protected and respected from the beginning." The Canadian bishops call for a defining of embryos, fetuses and zygotes as ‘human beings’, rather than as ‘human organisms’. They called for amendments to ban any research or experimentation on embryos, fetuses or zygotes unless it is clearly therapeutic for that particular life , with no other form of reliable therapy available.

In keeping with Evangelium Vitae, treating with the question of conscience re: "restrictive or permissive law", an elected official ... "could licitly support proposals aimed at limiting the harm done by such a law and lessening it’s negative consequences at the level of general opinion and public morality. This does not in fact represent an illicit cooperation with an unjust law, but rather a legitimate and proper attempt to limit it’s evil aspects." (Sect. 73)

At a recent seminar on Reproductive Technologies and Genetic Engineering (Apr. 22, 1997), sponsored by the Ottawa Archdiocesan CWL, whose national body had proposed changes to Bill C-47 last June, the morality of Catholics supporting Bill C-47 was debated. Priests for Life, Human Life International, Action Life Ottawa and Campaign Life Coalition were some of the groups which promoted, assisted and participated in this united effort. By applying section 73 of Evangelium Vitae, as a particular case, it is shown there is nothing immoral in "an elected official" supporting this bill, providing their personal position re: respect for human life at all stages was clear. Both Deacon Dr.

Robert McDonald ( a board member of Priests for Life, Canada) and myself (Fr. Jim Whalen), said we could not support Bill C-47 in it’s entirety. It needed amendments. According to Deacon Dr. McDonald, "The true agenda is that the brave new world technology tends to become a eugenics program ...the mass production of designer babies according to pre-conceived specifications."

In the area of Christian spiritual expediency, seeking the will of God does not limit an individual to only one good or moral choice. The fact that one could choose to support Bill C-47 as "an elected official", does not mean this is necessarily the only or preferred option. "The fact that the unborn are not entitled to legal protection by the Canadian Criminal Code, (ie: Drummond case results) until they pass from the other’s womb, defies common sense and offends the moral sense of the average person." (Letter to Prime Minister Jean Chretien, from Archbishop Exner of COLF). In the on-going debate, some have difficulty perceiving this approach ‘as the most prudent decision’. It is somewhat ambiguous, a possible future compromising of some basic life principles, that could cause confusion or mislead others, given the unacceptable on-going practices (ie:defining the fetus as a human organism; donations of ova or sperm -- Bill C-47).

Pope John Paul II directs us to scripture: "We must refuse any compromise or ambiguity which might conform us to the world’s way of thinking." (Rom 12:2). "We must be in the world but not of the world." (JN 15:19) (E.V. 82)

To support Bill C-47, would imply provisional acceptance of an incremental approach which promises much, but in some instances disregards the fact that ideas and actions have consequences (ie: partial-birth abortion, pre-marital co-habitation). Our faithful bishops thankfully rejected the Catholics of Vision approach, combining acceptable and non-acceptable positions together in one document, trying to compromise people’s positions gradually, obtaining their assent in the beginning with the obvious non-issues and leading to crucial issues, couched in verbal manipulative engineering (ie: freedom to choose birth control).

We must resist all attacks on our lifeline, beginning with the acceptance of the premises of our opposition, especially in terms of definition. They have tried in the past to lead us into treating the "which" and "how" of contraception and abortion, rather than the ‘whether’ of such immoral actions leading down the slippery slope, to euthanasia, assisted suicide and in some areas of experimental reproductive technology and genetic engineering. We should proclaim the truth, protecting human life at all stages and reject any proposal or law which goes against natural law, God’s objective truth or the Church’s moral teachings.

Pope John Paul II has emphasized that in our approach we should spend less time in reacting to error and more time in promoting the truth. We must not be afraid or we will be paralyzed and do nothing. In a pluralistic society there are strong cultural currents with differing outlooks, that sometimes sway decision making. St. Benedict advocated the priority of serving God rather than being overly caught up in cultural concerns. This is especially applicable in governments or societies that choose to act as if God did not exist. "We must obey God rather than men." (Acts 5:29). The right to life of a human fetus is non-negotiable. To experiment on a human fetus, is not acceptable. The truth is non-negotiable.

We must teach about the unity between truth and freedom, faith and morality, morality and law. We must teach that freedom is limited by natural law and God’s objective truth. We must affirm and teach the reality of the person, Jesus Christ, who is objective truth, who teaches us what it is to be human. We must take a strong stand with the Church in our basic principles to protect human life at all stages with no exceptions. Governments should protect innocent human beings at all stages; the unborn human being: (zygote, embryo, fetus): infants; children; families; motherhood and the handicapped or the elderly. They should not interfere with the God-given right of human life, from conception until natural death. The voice of the Creator is clear: "Choose Life" (Deut 30:15-20). "Do Justice" (IS 1:10-17). Let us pray to Our Lady of Guadalupe, St. Joseph and St. Michael that any and all legislation introduced will defend and protect human life at all stages. ¤