Educate, Educate, Educate




.....And Priests for Life is doing something about it!

by Fr Jim Whalen

1997, Issue 1


This is one way we can stop the attitude of killing off those labeled as ‘unwanted’, ‘undesirable’, ‘costly’ and those who ‘just don’t fit in’!

First the lives of the unborn were sacrificed, and now others are being considered.... ‘and all in the name of false compassion’ and the mistaken idea that we are unable to relieve the suffering of others. But the general public doesn’t see it that way. They just don’t know that there is rarely a need for anyone to suffer in this day of technological medicine.

If someone is planning to end their life, it is because we have failed as a society to provide the care and understanding that an individual is reaching for. With modern medicine and palliative care available today, there is virtually no need for anyone to suffer unbearable pain.

And Yes, ‘we are our brother’s keeper’! Not only must we defend our own lives but it is our duty to defend the lives of others. We must stop the false myth that pain cannot be controlled, that some lives are more valuable than others, and that we have been given the power to decide when life begins, when it should end and who should live and who should die.

One way we can do this is by educating the public. This includes all Catholics. We cannot assume that even our church-going Catholics will not fall prey to the false sense of compassion that is quickly spreading throughout our Canadian society.

Over the past few months, we have been busy, in cooperation with a number of other groups, preparing a special publication on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide specifically for Catholics. The cost of this 12 page newspaper style publication (at only 12 cents each) has been kept low so that it can be made readily available to our Catholic population. Please assist Priests for Life in our attempt to educate our fellow Catholics with the truth about euthanasia and assisted suicide. Turn this page to find out how you can obtain this publication for all parishioners in your parish. ¤