Father Jerzy Quotations

The following quotations are taken from the excellent documentary

Messenger of the Truth

"It seems to me that in the history of the Church, the history of Christianity,

there are many examples showing how you have to defend the truth. You have to defend it to the end."

'Justice and the right to know the truth require us from this pulpit to repeatedly demand a limit on the tyranny of censorship."

" That we may be free of dread and fear but also of desire for revenge , we pray to the Lord."

" The workers of Huta Warsaw asked the Bishop to appoint a church for them so that they could consider it "their " church .

I work and live in this parish so the bishop suggested that the church of St. Stanislaws Kostka become such a church for Huta, Warsaw."

" We are bowing our heads today due to the tragic deaths of our brothers, the miners who perished at the hands of traitors. They perished because they defended a worthy place for God in human work. They defended Justice, Truth, Freedom and Dignity. They defended Love and the ideals of Solidarity."

"Of course, the help of well-meaning people who send us donations from abroad plays a great role too.

In fact I would like to use this opportunity to thank the organization " Medical Aid for Poland."

" Today I would like to talk or rather address the Holy Father in the form of a letter. I hope the penal code does not contain any penalties for writing a letter to the Holy Father.

'During the enslavement of our Nation, you were and continue to be the one who strengthens in us the hope for the victory of good over evil, love over violence, truth over falsehood '"

"Month after month the turnout of people coming to the mass kept increasing. Nowadays thousands of people come. People arrive from different cities. What do they get from the mass. Here people pour out their grief, their pain. They pour it out in prayer, in spontaneous singing, and in silence which is also a great prayer. That experience of community, silence and discipline: and this is probably our main objective, that the suffering that people experience everyday, at work, in prisons, on the streets, that their suffering is not wasted. The role of the priest is to direct, through a Holy Mass, the suffering of the people towards God.`

`Be with them Holy Mother. Be with them, to those condemned to forced isolation without a trial, with all those who suffer from the imprisonment of their loved ones. When it was suggested to our Polish brothers to leave the country, you were saying with pain in your voice, It is impossible that there is no place for Poles in Poland. Everyone has the right to live in their homeland. No one should be condemned to exile.``

`I thank all our guests who come from other cities to get together in prayer, to build solidarity of hearts.

I thank the representatives of the working class from Glowow, from the mines, `Jurjan`and Àndalusia` from Piekary in Silesia, from the plants in Turbet.

`To live in Truth is the basic minimum of human dignity, even if the price to defend the Truth could be costly. `

You need to always remain faithful to the Truth. Truth can never be betrayed.

`I am addressing all those who recently have been threatening me in their letters with - I quote_ `a bullet in the head, a cut throat, or being hanged on the cross.`

Since they are capable of such threats, I urge them also to have the courage to sign their letters instead of cowardly sending them anonymously, or providing fake addresses.`

`To triumph evil with good and maintain human dignity we cannot fight with force. The country can`t be strong if it feels any force. He who is unable to succeed by using the heart and mind has to win by force. Let us pray that we may be free from the fear of intimidation but most of all against the desire for revenge and violence.`

God instilled in man the desire for truth. This is why man thirsts for the Truth and despises falsehoods . Truth, like Justice is connected to Love and Love has a Price. Truth always unites people, it moves them. The weight of Truth frightens and unmasks lies; lies of little people, people who are scared. The continuous battle against Truth had gone on for ages, but Truth is immortal, and lies die a quick death. Hence comes the saying as told by Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski: one needs only a few people to tell the Truth. Christ has chosen but a few to declare the Truth.`

`It seems to me that in the history of the Church, in the history of Christianity, there are many examples showing to what extent you have to defend the Truth. You have to defend it to the end. Jesus Christ sacrificed His life in order to announce his Divine Truth. Likewise, the apostles sacrificed their lives. Therefore the role of the priest is to proclaim the Truth and suffer for the Truth...... If necessary, even to die for the truth. Such examples are plenty in Christianity, and from these examples we should draw conclusions for ourselves.