Hidden Anti-Family Agenda

Father Whalen wrote this article twenty years ago - The anti-family agenda is not hidden anymore.  

Prayers are so urgently needed!!!!

from this writing:

"The truth is that birth control causes death to human beings, is against natural law, and is against God’s plan for mankind. There is never a reason for killing a child in the womb. Abortion is never the answer - it creates greater problems. Contraception leads to the slippery slope of abortion, sterilization and a ‘death culture’, which is anti-family, anti-future, and anti-God. " Father James Whalen


by Fr. Jim Whalen

    The search and destroy agenda that is characteristic of anti-life and anti-family tactics has become more and more exposed since the historical origins of Planned Parenthood have become known. ‘Unholy Alliances’ continue to support this destructive agenda (see supporting group chart page). The founder of Planned Parenthood Federation, America, (1942), Margaret Sanger originally called her organization the American Birth Control League. It had one specific goal in mind: to reduce the number of people being born.

    When the first clinic was opened in 1916 in Brooklyn, NY, her basic plan was to promote free sex, eugenics and birth control. These programs are still in effect to this day. They include contraception, birth control, abortion, sterilization, etc. The strategy is the same but the verbiage has changed and deceives many under the umbrella of ‘family planning’, hiding the real intent of the anti-life programs. What is really happening through the anti-family agenda is the using of various birth control devices, chemicals, means and methods to disrupt natural law, and God’s plans for mankind. Their agenda is to make these anti-life devices and birth control information available to all people in the world.

    The drive for international birth control intensified after World War II, when in 1948, Margaret Sanger and several other persons formed the International Committee on Planned Parenthood, with representatives from Britain, Holland, Sweden, and the United States. In 1952, the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) was formed, under the leadership of joint presidents: Margaret Sanger (USA) and Lady Rama Rau (India), with members from the Netherlands, Hong Kong, India, Singapore, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States, and West Germany. As most countries had laws that held that promoting birth control would be promoting immorality, they had to work secretly, keeping a low profile and depending on word of mouth methods. 

    Latin America was targeted as the first goal for the so-called ‘family planning’ according to Margaret Sanger, which involved basically four steps: sex education, birth control, so called safe abortions for everyone, and eventually to legalize abortion. Beginning with Chile and Uruguay in the 1960s, they spread into Columbia in 1970 and set up its largest community-based distributors (CBDs) in Brazil in 1972. In 1994 the statistics show that IPPF operated 2,100 clinics, 26,000 outposts and 12,000 other service points, with 42 private family associations in North and South America and the Caribbean (Rizzuto R, IPPF/WHR Region, 1994).

The Overall Goal

    The two largest Federations of Planned Parenthood are in the United States (PPFA) and Canada (PPFC). The overall goal is to ensure programs are in place to increase access to what they designate as ‘safe abortion’. PPFA has 158 affiliates with 938 clinics, 126 perform surgical abortions on sight. It operates in 180 countries. PPFC was formed in 1964  with 29 offices and 68 affiliates operating now in nine Canadian provinces, promoting Sanger’s philosophy of sex education, the availability of birth control, and access to abortion. It also raises money internationally for easy access to abortion - Family Planning. This is  directed toward Pakistan, Brazil, El Salvador, and Jamaica. It also includes Columbia with other targeted areas such as Mexico and the Caribbean. Teens are the main target, implementing ‘Under 20 Clubs’ in Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, St. Lucia, and St. Vincent, instructing them about birth control and training them to teach IPPF/WBR philosophy (James Sedlak, Deadly Deception, p. 15).

False Claims

    IPPF, under the false claim that the use of birth control lowers unplanned pregnancies and abortions, seeks to get support for reproductive health projects, which are anti-life and anti-family. Dr. Alfred Kinsey at a PPFA conference in 1995 stated: “We have found the highest frequency of induced abortion in the group which, in general, most frequently uses contraceptives” (Ibid., p. 20). 

    The consequences are clear: if someone chooses to use the IPPF’s solutions, birth control devices or contraceptives, more pregnancies take place, as well as an increase in teen sexual activity and an increase in teen pregnancies (Teenage Pregnancy, A. Guttmacher Institute, 1991).

Other Deceptive Strategies

    Other deceptive strategies of IPPF include the use of devices that are not contraceptives but cause abortions - instruments of death (e.g.: IUDs, mini-birth control pills, Depo-Provera, Norplant, Morning After Pills). They cause the death of human beings during their first week of existence. IPPF maintains that pregnancy begins at implantation, not at conception. The truth of the matter is that these devices prevent implantation of already conceived human beings. 

    In the last 25 years, IPPF has killed over 3 million innocent unborn babies and has made over 815 million dollars from its abortion business alone.

    Other IPPF deceptive propaganda claims that providing their family planning programs actually saves money. The problem with this reasoning is that, of course, one can save money if no children were ever born, but this means that there would be no families, no society, and no future of mankind. Actions have consequences. IPPF advocates that the world is overpopulated in order to promote their hidden eugenics agenda. A real reason is that: “rich countries perceive population numbers in the third World as a threat to their security” (Dr. Michael Schooyans, The New World and Demographic Security, 1995). It is a question of who will have world control. The world population today is in the six billion area and the world can support 100 billion with everything needed for life. The problem is lack of technological development and food distribution as well as political, economical and social justice problems. The overpopulation rhetoric is used by IPPF to justify their programs, which are really eugenics. When people are asked to reduce their family size, it is not for the benefit of the family. It is to achieve their goal of control and divert attention from social justice.

Common Sense Rejected

    IPPF adopted the choice to help young people obtain sex satisfaction before marriage stating that this will prevent fear and guilt, as well as provide them with sex education programs and contraceptives (Charles Donovan, The History of Sex Education,  1994). IPPF claims that sex education to teens will reduce teen pregnancies. The contrary is the actual fact: “Every scientific study that has been done shows that sex education is correlated to nothing else but systematically increased use of contraception” (“News Talk, TV”, New York Civil Liberties Union, 1995). IPPF is in the business of selling birth control products and has a financial stake in promoting the use of birth control by children and teens. IPPF tries to substitute condom sense for common sense. They advocate ‘safe sex’ through promoting various safe sex kits with birth control products that do not stop viruses, such as the Pill, which has been shown to actually increase the chances of getting or transmitting AIDS (Family Planning Perspectives, Vol. 25, #6).

Hidden Agendas

    IPPF orchestrates international meetings to develop hidden agendas, which are then imposed on various countries through pressure tactics on government and legislative branches (Copenhagen, Cairo, Beijing, Istanbul, Bangkok). They depend largely on international bodies such as the United Nations Population Fund, World Health Organizations, and the World Bank for their funding (see ‘Groups that donate’ on this page). Leaders are being blackmailed if they wish to receive loans or grants to improve their country’s standard of living. They must accept and implement population control programs to reduce the size of their families (e.g.: China’s policy- maximum one-child per family- city and two children per family - countyryside). They must agree to decrease births and therefore limit the future of a developing country. This means in some cases, as in China, coercive abortion, and  sterilization programs. Recently US President Bush blocked the transfer of $34 million previously designated  for UNFPA.

Simple Pro-Life Plan

It is important to recognize that parents are the primary teachers of children and that they should be the ones to teach sex education in a one-on-one setting. Chastity, charity and courage; abstinence and self-control are the natural ways to train children and to prepare them for a future of lasting marriages. When there are sufficient serious reasons, married couples use Natural Family Planning. This means   acknowledging and using God’s biological laws of fertility and procreation. In this way they continue to respect natural law and act in harmony with God’s creative intention. (Fr. Joseph Hattie, WOOMB Canada).

The Truth

The truth is that birth control causes death to human beings, is against natural law, and is against God’s plan for mankind. There is never a reason for killing a child in the womb. Abortion is never the answer - it creates greater problems. Contraception leads to the slippery slope of abortion, sterilization and a ‘death culture’, which is anti-family, anti-future, and anti-God. V


1. For further reference, see: Margaret Sanger, Women and the New Race online at: http://www.bartleby.com/1013/

2. It is estimated that the following deaths of pre-born children occur each year in the USA:

- Birth control pills - 834,000 to 4,170,000

- Intrauterine devices (IUDs) - 3,825,000

- Injectable (Depro-Provera) - 1,200,000 to 1,800,000

- Implants (Norplant) - 2,250,000 to 2,925,000

- Surgical abortions - 1,500,000.

Overall, 19,450,000 persons using one or more devices kill between 9,609,000 and 14,229,000 babies each year (James Sedlak, “Deadly Deception”, pp. 25-26).



Revenues:     $  3,271,591

Expenses:     $  3,212,530

Allotment of Revenues:

Administration:                  15%

International Programs:    50%

National Programs:           29%

Resource Development:     6%

Revenue Sources:

CIDA                               43%

Health Canada                20%

Gifts in Kind                      6%

Other                                 2%

Private Contributions     29%

Total Assets    $     862,810

Note: Future growth will be dependent on Project Base Funding (90%), hence the need for private partnerships and corporation sponsorships.

National Programs: include contracts to provide and foster reproductive planning programs for rural and isolated communities; web base tool kits; bilingual theatre projects for teenagers (grade 7-9) approved by the Ministry of Education, Canada; special project re: Inuit, Metis and 1st Nation Communities; reproductive resources health book for use by Aboriginal Nurses Association; Special educational programs for Native Friendship Centres.

Groups that donate to International Planned Parenthood Foundation

- Planned Parenthood Federation of Canada

- United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)

- World Bank

- World Health Organization (WHO)

- Bergstrom Foundation

- Comic Relief

- Ernest Kleinwort Charitable Trust

- Ford Foundation

- Hewlett Foundation

- Japanese Organization for International Cooperation in Family Planning

- Lundington Inc.

- MacArthur Foundation

- Moriah Fund

- Noyes (Jessie Smith) Foundation

- Packard Foundation

- Population Action International

- Public Welfare Foundation

- Rockefeller Foundation

- Sabah Sottad Foundation

- Simon Population Trust

- Turner Foundation

- Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation