May 3, 2024

Dear Maureen, I’m Pete Baklinski and this is your Canadian Pro-Life News Bits where I let you know what’s happening on our country’s pro-life and pro-family front.

You may have noticed that you did not receive the Pro-life News Bits last week. This was because my wife and I had just welcomed our ninth child, Madalena, into the world and I was taking some time off after the birth. Mother and baby are well! 

It’s good to be back at work and rolling up the sleeves as our team prepares for the National March for Life next Thursday. The News Bits will again be paused next week due to the march. 

Please read CLC president Jeff Gunnarson’s inspiring message to pro-lifers across the nation published on LifeSiteNews urging attendance at the May 9 March for Life in Ottawa.

We’ve launched a petition in defence of the Saskatchewan doctor who is being persecuted by the province’s medical regulatory college for advising a patient not to go through with an abortion. You can sign it at the link below. 

It’s a betrayal on so many levels that the Toronto Catholic School Board voted against flying the pro-life flag in the month of May. I’ve included a few stories about this. Shame!

Pro-life ads are now running on Hamilton buses after a legal challenge. But, a little further North and West, Guelph is sticking by its decision to refuse such ads on its buses. The pro-life group being discriminated against is planning legal action. Sigh! When will cities learn to stop discriminating against pro-life speech? 

The University of British Columbia has launched a website to the tune of some $4M to help funnel Canadian women into killing their preborn children by abortion. And, thanks to PM Mr. Trudeau, it was funded by your tax dollars, all part of his $81M campaign to increase and expand access to abortion in Canada. Is it any surprise that abortion numbers are going up? 

Don’t miss the inspiring story about a baby safe-surrender site that was recently set up in Calgary. 

The May edition of CLC National News is now available online. Don’t miss CLC President Jeff Gunnarson’s letter to pro-lifers about a new urgency in the battle for life and family.

Check out my reflection at the end about how the birth of a child is a sign that God has not abandoned us. 

Top Canadian pro-life stories you need to know about


Campaign Life Coalition: Canadian doctor could lose his license for advising pregnant woman not to abort her child

“But because Dr. Davids spoke out in defence of his preborn patient and out of concern for the woman and her eternal soul, he has been accused of a “crime”. The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan (CPSS) has charged him with ‘Unprofessional Conduct’.”

Catholic Register: Pro-life flag won’t fly at Toronto schools

“The International Pro-Life Flag will not fly over Toronto Catholic schools this May.” 

Read CLC’s analysis of the stunning hypocrisy in the Toronto Catholic board voting against flying the pro-life flag here

LifeSiteNews: Pro-life group downgrades Toronto Catholic school board chair for ‘betrayal of Church teaching’

“’As a result of this disgraceful vote, Nancy Crawford, whom we’ve green-lit and endorsed in multiple school board elections, will now, sadly, be downgraded to a red light,’ Campaign Life Coalition (CLC) Director of Political Operations Jack Fonseca told LifeSiteNews.”

LifeSiteNews: Prayer vigil in remembrance of abortion victims set to take place before Canada’s March for Life

"Canadians are set to gather for a prayer vigil in remembrance of the millions of victims of abortion prior to this year’s National March for Life in Ottawa."

ARPA: New Down Syndrome Information Law Introduced in Nova Scotia

“Bill 440 would require the Minister of Health and Wellness to ensure that up-to-date, evidence-based information on Down syndrome is available to members of the public.”

True North: Pro-life group urges UCP to ban chemical abortions after NDP leadership candidate advises caution

“A pro-life political party in Alberta says an NDP leadership candidate has given the UCP government a “golden opportunity” to address chemical abortions.”

The Public Record: Pro-Life bus advertisement running on the side of Hamilton buses

“The City of Hamilton has conceded it lacked legal grounds to reject an advertising purchase by the Association for Reformed Political Action Canada (APRA) to run a pro-life/anti-abortion ad on the side of the city’s public transit buses.”

Guelph Today: City panel dismisses appeal of rejected Right to Life ads

“A panel of senior city staff is sticking by a decision to refuse two proposed bus ads from Guelph and Area Right to Life (GARL), but a court challenge is likely to follow.”

Western Standard: Trudeau funded BC University $4.3M to develop website to help Canadians kill their babies

“A University of British Columbia (UBC) student has developed a slick website to help choose the best option to get rid of “unwanted surprises” — as in babies.”

Western Standard: Campaign Life Coalition launches petition for Saskatoon doctor who advised patient against abortion

“A pro-life advocacy organization is mobilizing support for a Saskatoon physician who urged a patient not to abort.”


Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: Help the Calgary father of a 27-year-old autistic woman stop her euthanasia death

“The Calgary father has already accumulated more than $100,000 in legal expenses in his attempt to prevent the euthanasia death of his healthy autistic daughter.”

Gender Ideology

Everyday for Life Canada: Toronto Archbishop Leo's message for Catholic Education Week misses the elephant in the room

“The message says all the right things but misses the elephant in the room.”

Inspiring stories to give you hope

Rebel News: Tragic discovery of ‘Baby Eve’ in 2017 inspires Calgary safe surrender location

“Hope’s Cradle is a safe surrender program that allows mothers and fathers to leave a baby that they are unable to care for inside a closely monitored drop-off location anonymously, with the knowledge that professionals will take care of their child.”

Life News: Pro-Life Doctor Who Has Saved Countless Babies From Abortions Wins Award

“Dr. Dermot Kearney is a hero within pro-life circles for his yeoman’s work helping pregnant women who change their mind after taking the abortion pill.”

Live Action: First mother set to graduate from college program supporting pregnant students

“College campuses are, in general, not friendly to pregnant and parenting students, leading women to believe abortion is their only choice if they want to finish their education. But this program shows that what women need is better support — not abortion.”

Epoch Times: Couple Hoping for a 2nd Child Thrilled When Scan Shows ‘One-in-70-Million’ Rare Quadruplets

“The first time I saw them all home together I cried, I couldn’t believe it—they were a miracle.”

Awesome pro-life social media posts this week

Campaign Life Coalition 

Abby Johnson

Kristan Hawkins

Must-see video of the week

Newly minted Conservative MP Jamil Jivani boldly calls out PM Trudeau along with the NDP-Liberal government for attacking parental rights. Powerful.

Take Action

Sign our new petition to the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan asking them that they stop persecuting Dr. Terence Davids for counselling a woman against abortion. Sign here.


Maureen, I want to share with you some thoughts following the recent birth of my daughter Madalena. 

Some think it irresponsible to bring a new child into the world of today which is filled with so much bad news, so many conflicts, and so many forces of darkness that attack the true, good, and beautiful at every level. 

Some even give into a brooding despair, thinking that there is nothing anyone can do to effectively combat the evil and turn the tide in favour of the children of light. 

I don’t see it this way. 

Every new child brought into this world is a sign of hope. It’s a sign that humanity has another chance to start afresh and get things right. 

Most importantly, each new child is a sign that God has not abandoned us. He imprints his image and likeness on each new life, conveying his love and his presence. 

God, working with the parents, does not create children for this world alone, with all its problems, but for the world to come. Each child is created with the potential for eternal life in heaven. It is by living in this world, this “valley of tears,” that prepares each soul for the life with God to come, a life available to every soul who encounters Christ and chooses to live according to the way of the Lord. 

My wife and I have welcomed each of our children into this world with the deep hope that they will one day become citizens of heaven. That is why we are so eager to have our children baptized so that they can become part of the family of God. 

Last Sunday, we were filled with joy to see our daughter baptized into God’s family and become an adopted daughter of God. 

This is how the pro-life movement builds a culture of life: welcoming new life; raising children in the ways of the Lord; being a family together. This is the foundation. It starts with the family. 

Today I have hope for the future because a new child has come into the world. And, I’m going to roll up my sleeves to do everything in my power to make it a better place for her because that’s what dads do. 

I hope to see you at the March for Life on Thursday in Ottawa. 

In the meantime, be bold and daring for life! 

Be bold and daring for life!

Pete Baklinski
Director of Communications
Campaign Life Coalition
Follow Pete on X: @petebaklinski