Contraception is Deception

by Father Jim Whalen Priests for Life Canada Newsletter 2006, issue 4,


God became man, Jesus, Emmanuel, conceived by the Holy Spirit, and born of the Virgin Mary. We cannot help but observe the contrast in our present contracep­tive society that we live in. We see the death culture that strives to suffocate and eliminate human life, whereas "pro­life culture" respects and gives thanks for God's gift of children - new life. In our time we have seen the industrialized world embrace contraception as the way to eradicate poverty, lower the birth rate, and guarantee freedom for women. It has not worked. God's plan to multiply and fill the earth has been cast aside by many who think they know better. Many follow man's law rather than natural law (God's law). The situation is critical.

We are not being pessimistic but realistic when we are faced with the consequences of contraception: widespread promiscuity, divorce, transmitted disease, single parent households, legal same-sex marriages, abortion, and the threat of euthanasia. Abortion is used as a solution to failed contraception, bring­ing with it a host of its own problems: post abortion-trauma, sterility, increased risk of breast cancer, etc. Supporters of abortion admit it is not a good choice and turn to birth con­trol as the answer to the problem of unwanted pregnancy. A closer look reveals this is not the answer. It is a large part of the problem. The statistics show that 54% percent of women who have abortions report that they were using birth control  at the time they became pregnant (Contraceptive use among U.S. women having abortions in 2000-2001, Jones, RK; Darroch, JE; and Henshaw, SK; 2002 Nov-Dec; 34(6): 294­303. What we observe is that contraception advocates an anti-child mentality. It attempts to separate marital intimacy from procreation and seeks to turn sex into a recreational activity rather than an expression of love and commitment. Contraception is the evil taproot of abortion. Let us say no to contraception and yes to Natural Family Planning.

There is good news. At a recent national conference held in Chicago (September 2006), at which I was fortunate to be present, the theme of which was "Contraception is not the Answer", over 250 people gathered to condemn artificial birth control. Experts and leaders from the various national pro-life organizations raised their voices in assailing contraception on the grounds that it devalues children, harms relationships between men and women, promotes sexual promiscuity, and leads to falling birth rates and social ills.

It is clear that there is some major thinking going on about the contraception issue, especially among young people, who are disenchanted with the sexual rev­olution. There is a new concerted attack on contraception. The strategy will involve nationwide prayer power. It will mean applying pressure to cut back on access to contraceptive services. It will mean a push to allow pharmacists to refuse to fill birth­ control prescriptions for reasons of "con­science". It will mean getting serious about opposing and denying Planned Parenthood Federation funding on all levels. They must be held accountable for  this contraceptive mentality.

The truth is that "chemical contraception" doesn't pre­vent abortions - it causes abortions. Contraception changes sex from an unconditional gift of self to a conditional act that turns away from God's gift of children. When people use contraception, they are not interested in life-time rela­tionships and often end up disappointed and divorced. Contraception is the core issue today. Many believe we will not solve the problem of abortion unless we deal with con­traception. Abstinence and chastity is the way to take aim at contraception. Being a faithful and loyal follower of Jesus is the way to go.

There is no room for contraception - a deception in our lives. This contraception deception is the primary force behind the attacks against the contra-contraception mes­sage. In this Christmas season let us be strong in our beliefs and honor our Saviour. Respect life all the time .•