Jennifer Snell's Letter to the Ottawa Citizen

Hello Mr. Orban,

I have been hoping that the Citizen would publish a worthy article on the National Pro Life March that took place in Ottawa this past Thursday, 14 May. The story that was printed was in my opinion quite well concealed and depicted a photo of about three people.

Approximately 12,000 people ranging in age from infancy to the elderly braved downpours and gusty winds to express their grief over the killing of Canadian citizens in what should be the safest place on earth for them, their mothers wombs. The marchers unlike most who 'protest' were peaceful and respectful. I heard one police officer say, "I like this assignment because these people are so nice."

I have been waiting for letters to the citizen to appear, nothing so far! It's hard to believe that nobody has expressed disappointment about the fact that the OC did not provide more in depth coverage or at least an opinion on the march. Getting the truth re abortion out to the public could help would be victims and could save the lives of innocent unborn babies. David Warren's corner comes to mind. The parliamentary pro life caucus did a press release, perhaps this could be a spring board for such a piece.

Additionally, Lia a twelve year old from Toronto, delivered a passionate talk on the fact that abortion is wiping out 100,000 of her peers each and every year in Canada.

I am respectfully asking you to consider publishing something more on this march or at least on the topic. You may not be aware of a recent poll by Signal Hill that indicted 92% of Canadians are not aware that abortion is legal throughout all nine months of pregnancy. National coverage of these polls would help fellow Canadians to be 'switched on' to the truth about abortion.

Thank you for your time and perhaps a reply to my opinion.

Jennifer Snell

Ottawa ON