January 5, 2024

Must see video of the week

God's Design for Family: Fr. Isaac Longworth, pastor of St. Benedict parish in Halifax, Nova Scotia, sets the record straight on God’s amazing design for marriage and the family in this January 31, 2023 homily.

Dear Maureen, I’m Pete Baklinski and this is your Canadian Pro-Life News Bits where I let you know what’s happening on our country’s pro-life and pro-family front.

A blessed and happy New Year to you! I had a restful Christmas and took a much-needed break from staying on top of the news. There was a deluge of reports to catch up on when I returned to my office desk this week. As always, I’ve pulled out the most relevant news happening on the pro-life and pro-family front.

I was alarmed to learn that Alberta’s regulatory college for medical doctors is drawing up plans to force doctors and other healthcare workers to participate in evils such as abortion, assisted suicide (MAiD), and even ‘transgender-affirming’ care. I’ve penned a blog about this and provided directions for what people living in Alberta can do to stop this plan from going forward.

Manitoba is moving full speed ahead to provide free contraceptives. If you do not yet understand why pro-lifers must oppose contraception, please read this important article put out by CLC president Jeff Gunnarson.

How about some good news? Our sister organization Quebec Life Coalition is planning its first-ever “March for Life” next June in Quebec City. Quebec is behind Ontario in having the highest number of abortions. The province is in desperate need of an injection of pro-lifers witnessing to life.

I was deeply impressed by the group of concerned parents in Abbotsford, BC who set up a 24/7 camp to protest gender ideology in schools. It’s this kind of commitment that will bring about much-needed change in our decaying school systems. Bravo.

Our first edition of this year’s CLC National News is now available online. You can view and print the newsletter by clicking on the link below. The newsletter is a great way to catch up on the most pressing life and family issues facing our country.

Finally, don’t miss the must-see video of the week of a Canadian Catholic priest recently telling his parishioners in a homily about what’s wrong with homosexual “marriage” and why the Church opposes it. It’s the best homily I’ve ever heard on the topic. If you need a refresher on this topic, I encourage you to watch this video.

Top Canadian pro-life stories you need to know about

Campaign Life Coalition: Alberta draws up plans to force doctors to participate in abortion, euthanasia

“Forcing a doctor to make an ‘effective referral plan’ is forcing them to participate in the evil. It is, in essence, to hand over the patient to someone else who will be the patient’s hitman or assassin.”

Campaign Life Coalition: Oppose universal funding of contraception in Manitoba

“So, if Manitoba makes contraception even easier to access, it will cause the number of abortions to actually increase: That means more babies will be killed in their mothers' wombs.”

LifeSiteNews: Quebec City’s first ever ‘March for Life’ announced for next spring

“Next spring (June 1), the streets of Quebec City will be flooded by pro-life demonstrators seeking to bring cultural and legal change to both the province and the country more broadly.”

LifeSiteNews: Catholic school board upholds Josh Alexander’s suspension for opposing gender ideology

“Student activist Josh Alexander, suspended for saying God made human beings male and female, will be unable to return to school thanks to a decision by the local Catholic school board.”

Run With Life: You can’t be Christian and pro-choice: new book

“Brian Norton has written this very detailed free booklet BEING HUMAN Abortion and the Church to explain the historical context (including copious references) of abortion from the Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant Christian Churches.”

Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: Canada must put the brakes on euthanasia for mental illness: renowned Canadian psychiatrist

“The federal government would be well advised to scrap this mission. But if it insists on moving forward, launch should proceed only when the problems are solved, and not a moment sooner.

True North: Former Catholic school trustee challenges her expulsion from board in court

“Former Red Deer, Alta, trustee Monique LaGrange is seeking reinstatement to the Catholic school board after she was expelled from the board last month over a controversial picture she had posted to social media.”

CBC: PCs choose pro-family Christian conservative as first candidate for 2024 election

“The outcome is a watershed moment for Faytene Grasseschi, a longtime Christian conservative activist and broadcaster who has lived in New Brunswick since 2020.”

True North: Concerned parents set up overnight camp to protest gender ideology 24/7

“A group of concerned citizens in Abbotsford, BC have established a multi-day overnight camp to protest gender ideology in schools on a 24/7 basis.”

National Post: Artificial wombs are coming. Could babies soon be grown outside a woman’s body?

“Ethical conundrum number two is how the technology might alter abortion rights and the legal status and rights of a fetus once removed from a maternal womb and placed inside a makeshift one.”

CLC comment: The mother’s womb is the safest and most ethical environment for the preborn. While artificial wombs can have moral applications when it comes to saving the lives of preterm babies, accompanying the creation of these devices will also be a host of moral problems that are aptly laid out in the 1931 dystopian novel “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley and in the 2023 novel “Exogenesis” by Peco Gaskovski. Artificial wombs must never be allowed to supplant the woman’s unique and irreplaceable relationship she has as ‘mother’ to the child being nurtured and developing within her own body.

January 2024 CLC National News now available

The January edition of CLC National News, our monthly newsletter, is now available on our website here. Don’t miss these stories, including: 

Don’t miss CLC president Jeff Gunnarson’s January letter to pro-lifers about saying ‘Yes’ to the challenges of the new year. Read Jeff’s full letter here.

Inspiring stories to give you hope

LifeNews: Pregnancy Center Network Celebrates Saving 1 Million Babies From Abortion

“Life-affirming pregnancy help network Care Net has reached a landmark 1 million lives saved through its affiliated pregnancy centers.”

LifeNews: Pro-Life Woman Who Could Spend 11 Years in Prison for Protesting Abortion Named Person of the Year

“Operation Rescue is pleased to announce that the recipient of the 2023 Person of the Year Malachi Award is Joan Andrews Bell, a gentle giant known by many as the matriarch of the rescue movement.”

Pregnancy Help News: Parents credit abortion pill reversal with saving daughter: ‘She’s a blessing’

“After JoAnna took the first abortion pill in the autumn of 2022, she and her partner Tommy regretted the decision. Thanks to Abortion Pill Reversal they [celebrate] the holiday season with their healthy baby girl.”

Live Action: She never considered fostering children, until God opened her heart

“Fostering and adopting are not for the faint of heart, but loving these little ones and their families will make your heart grow.”

Epoch Times: One-in-a-Million: Alabama Mom Delivers Rare Twins From Double Uterus Over 2 Days

“A woman with a rare double uterus has given birth to two healthy babies, each growing in a separate uterus. The baby girls were born 10 hours apart, on two different days.”

Awesome pro-life social media posts this week

Campaign Life Coalition

Abby Johnson

Kristan Hawkins

Must-see video of the week

God's Design for Family: Fr. Isaac Longworth, pastor of St. Benedict parish in Halifax, Nova Scotia, sets the record straight on God’s amazing design for marriage and the family in this January 31, 2023 homily.

Take Action

If you live in Alberta, please submit feedback to the CPSA stating why you oppose its ‘effective referral’ proposal. Click here and scroll to the section called "We want to hear from you!"


Maureen, have you ever seen the sign at pro-abortion demonstrations blaring out the words that “abortion is essential”? 

These deluded individuals are trying to make the case with this phrase that killing children is fundamental and central to their lives.

How extremely sad.

The fact is that abortion is the direct and intentional killing of the preborn human child living within his or her mother’s womb. It is the violent murder of a human being in his or her earliest stage of development.

It is evil in each and every case to deliberately kill an innocent and defenceless human being, no matter where their location or what their stage of development is.

Spelled out this way, could the killing of the smallest members of the human family be somehow fundamental, or central, or absolutely necessary to anyone? Of course not.

What’s really essential is cherishing each and every human life.

In the end, it’s not abortion that’s essential.

Life is essential.

Never forget that! Be bold and daring for life!

Pete Baklinski
Director of Communications
Campaign Life Coalition

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