June 2, 2023

Awesome pro-family social media posts this week

Radiance Foundation

Eric Sammons, Catholic author, editor

Campaign Life Coalition

Must-see video of the week

 see what this pro-life woman did in front of angry pro-choice activists: At the National March for Life earlier this month, a young woman in white laid down, prostrate, in front of angry, pro-abortion counter-protesters to quietly pray for them, asking God to convert their hearts and save them.

Dear Maureen, I’m Pete Baklinski and this is your Canadian Pro-Life News Bits where I let you know what’s happening on our country’s pro-life and pro-family front.

A blessed June to you, the month where those of the Catholic tradition around the world revere the Sacred Heart of Jesus. A more inclusive sign of welcome, acceptance, and merciful love to everyone you will not find anywhere! Jesus’ love is for all!

Our “National School Walk-Out Day” campaign protesting the raising of pride flags at schools yesterday picked up some good traction. Provinces that signed up for the walkout included BC, SK, YK, ON, QC, and NB. Over 13,000 signed our petition against gay pride flags in schools.

Our “pray-in” campaign asking God to move the hearts of bishops to take seriously the threat of LGBT ideology in Catholic schools and parishes was also successful. We had pray-ins in Hamilton, Ottawa, Toronto, and Welland. Thank you to all who participated in these campaigns.

There is more and more pushback to the LGBT agenda that sexually confuses young people. The York Catholic District School Board voted against flying the pride flag. And, an Ontario bishop wrote a letter against flying this flag at Catholic institutions.

The Supreme Court of Canada dropped Christian school trustee Barry Neufeld’s defamation case in a concerning decision. Neufeld was attempting to clear his name of accusations that he promoted “hatred” and engaged in “hate speech” when he publicly raised concerns about a “sexual orientation and gender identity” (SOGI) program being pushed on school children as young as 5 years old.

One of our summer interns has written a powerful story about a young woman’s astounding response in the face of pro-abortion activists at the National March for Life last month. You can read Warren McArthur’s story in the “inspiring stories” section.

Finally, don’t miss my post at the end about a letter I wrote asking a township to not display the pride flag and declare June to be pride month. And, I suggest what you can pray every time you see a rainbow flag this month.

Top Canadian pro-life stories you need to know about

Campaign Life Coalition: National Pride Flag Walk-Out Day

“Keep your kids home when the LGBT flag goes up! Send your school the message: ‘Leave the kids alone’”. See coverage of this event from Epoch Times, LifeSiteNews and CBC.

LifeSiteNews: Trudeau gov’t plans new internet censorship bill targeting ‘online’ speech before year’s end

“Canadian Heritage Minister Pablo Rodriguez expects details to be released shortly.”

LifeSiteNews: Danielle Smith wins decisive conservative victory in Alberta’s premier election

“While Danielle Smith herself is in favor of abortion and many aspects of the LGBT agenda, Campaign Life Coalition noted last night that many of the United Conservative Party members have a positive track-record on life and family issues.”

LifeSiteNews: VICTORY: Ontario Catholic school board votes 6-4 against flying ‘pride flag’ in June

“The decision by the York Catholic District School Board comes as increasing numbers are standing up to the LGBT agenda in schools.”

LifeSiteNews: Canadian funeral home expands services to include room rental for assisted suicide

Killing has now become a ‘business’ at a Quebec funeral home offering space to carry out euthanasia for a minimum fee of $700.

Rebel News: Supreme Court ruling cuts former Chilliwack school trustee Barry Neufeld’s defamation case short

“The Supreme Court of Canada handed down its decision in the case of Hansman v. Neufeld, and West Vancouver lawyer Paul Jaffe believes it’s a concerning decision for all who value freedom of speech and expression.”

Run with Life: Alberta spends $800K in euthanizing sick and elderly 

“Alberta and Quebec don't hide their patient execution costs unlike Ontario.”

ARPA: Manitoba Passes Bill to Combat Non-Consensual Sharing of Intimate Images

“This Intimate Images Protection Amendment Act is a good piece of legislation that would help to combat sexual extortion and online bullying. However, this legislation could go further.”

Catholic Register: Pro-life program helps with challenges of choosing life

“A financial aid program that helps [B.C.] mothers and families make difficult life-affirming decisions is approaching its first anniversary, with organizers saying they want to make it available to more people in need.”

Every Day For Life Canada: Ontario Bishop: Don’t raise pride flag in Catholic schools

“Bishop Ronald Fabbro, makes it clear that Ontario Catholic boards should not fly the pride flag in their schools for the month of June.”

LifeSiteNews: Catholic dad urges Ontario school board to abandon pride flag, ‘take up the cross’ as symbol of love

“A Canadian dad is urging an Ontario Catholic school board not to fly the pride flag but to “take up the cross” as a symbol of love and mercy.”

St. Catharine Standard: Stalemate at Waterloo Catholic board on filling vacant trustee position

The Waterloo Catholic District School Board has postponed a decision on how to fill the position of former trustee Wendy Ashby.”

Inspiring stories to give you hope

Campaign Life Coalition: See what pro-life woman did in front of angry pro-choice activists

"Rachel said that the battle being fought for life is not against flesh and blood, referring to the counter protesters, but a spiritual battle against Satan."

LifeNews: Twin Babies Were Born So Prematurely They Were Wrapped in Plastic Bags to Survive, Now They’re Doing Great

“When a tear in her uterus threatened their mom’s life, twins Ayden and Arley Bowles had to be born 15 weeks prematurely in early February.”

LifeNews: She Had Multiple Abortions, But After She Found Christ Her Pregnancy Center Has Saved Over 38,000 Babies

“As an abused and broken young woman, Cindy Collins aborted several of her unborn babies. Forty years later, her life is dedicated to saving the unborn, telling her story to lawmakers and judges, and running ministries to help families in crisis.”

Live Action: Baby saved by Tennessee’s first baby box… just 30 minutes after birth

“A baby just 30 minutes old was safely surrendered to a Safe Haven Baby Box in Knoxville, Tennessee, early Saturday morning. It was the state’s first baby box surrender since the box was installed in February.

Epoch Times: Baby in the Womb Undergoes First-of-Its-Kind Surgery to Place 23 Coils in Her Brain, Is Now Thriving

“Doctors have saved a baby’s life in utero with an aggressive, life-threatening brain malformation that could have led to heart failure, severe brain injury, or death after birth.”

Awesome pro-family social media posts this week

Radiance Foundation

Eric Sammons, Catholic author, editor

Campaign Life Coalition

Must-see video of the week

See what this pro-life woman did in front of angry pro-choice activists: At the National March for Life earlier this month, a young woman in white laid down, prostrate, in front of angry, pro-abortion counter-protesters to quietly pray for them, asking God to convert their hearts and save them.

Take Action

Sign our new petition asking bishops to halt ‘pride month’ celebrations. Tap here.


Maureen, I was disturbed when the town nearby where I live voted to display the pro-homosexual and pro-transgender rainbow flag and to declare June to be a month of celebrating people’s sexual lifestyle choices.

I wrote a letter to the mayor and councillors, asking them to rescind the decision. Here’s some of what I put in my letter.

What I love about this township is its mission statement to develop “mindful, prudent, and community-driven policy” that ensures, among other things, “a climate of acceptance, transparency, and responsible growth.” The key phrase that jumps out to me here is “community-driven policy.”

Mayor and Councillors, catering to a special interest group that wants to fly its own flag on township property is failing the mission of developing “community-driven policy.” This movement is more political in nature than community oriented. Citizens who disagree with this movement and its political and social goals are called terrible names, such as “extremist,” “right-winger,” “hater,” “bigot,” and “homophobe.”

This movement is a source of division, not unity. While claiming to promote acceptance, it derides and alienates anyone who dissents from the views it holds. While claiming to promote tolerance, it is intolerant of other perspectives. While claiming to back diversity, it seeks to make everyone think the same way it does.

Flags are flown by those who have control. This movement seeks to plant its flag, or have it displayed wherever it can be, as a sign that the institution, government, township, or school where it is displayed is now conquered and controlled by the movement.

This flag does not represent me and the values of my family. The promotion of this flag in our community has brought nothing but division and disunity. Had you engaged with the wider community before adopting this motion, you would have found that it was neither “mindful” nor “prudent.”

I ask you to please be a Mayor and Councillors who don’t single out special interest groups for favours but who are there for everyone in our community. The provincial and national flag do a great job in representing everyone. I ask that you only fly these flags on the flag pole. I ask that you not declare any months as belonging to special interest groups.

Please be a Mayor and Councillor for everyone!

For the sake of the future of our children and our civilization, it’s time for all of us to take a stand against destructive sexual ideologies. This month, let us especially turn to Jesus and his most loving heart, asking him to reign as King in our families, homes, and communities.

This month, how about every time you see a rainbow flag, pray the following prayer: “O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell. Lead all souls into heaven, especially those in most need of your mercy.”

Pete Baklinski
Director of Communications
Campaign Life Coalition