Abortion survivor Gianna Jessen delivers a powerful opening statement at the House Judiciary Committee's hearing on Planned Parenthood back in 2015. 

Gianna's Biological mother was seven and one half months pregnant when she went to Planned Parenthood and there she was advised to half a late-term saline abortion. This type of abortion burns the baby inside and out, blinding and suffocating the child who is then born dead usually within twenty-four hours. Instead of dying, after eighteen hours of being burned in her mother's womb, she was delivered alive in an abortion clinic in Las Angelus on April 6th, 1977. Her medical records state "Born alive during saline abortion"

Thankfully the abortionist was not at work yet. If he had been there he would have ended her life with strangulation, suffocation, or leaving her there to die. Thankfully a nurse called an ambulance and she was rushed to a hospital

March 10, 2023

Campaign Life Coalition: African politician tells Canadian Govt.: We don’t want your contraception, abortion

“We believe life starts from conception...Africa generally finds abortion repugnant.”

Campaign Life Coalition Youth: Women asked to write ‘love letter’ to killer of their babies

“Imagine being asked to write a love letter to the person who murdered your child. That is what the Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada recently did.”

Campaign Life Coalition Youth: How Western Liberal Hegemony Bleeds into the Global South

“I urge you, do not be swayed with the sweetness of the candy before it is too late to be overcome by the poison that lies within it. The works of the UN may present itself as good, but the core of their works are aimed at breaking down the family unit.”

LifeSiteNews: Canada’s Conservative Party leader backs new bill to stop expansion of euthanasia laws

“Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) leader Pierre Poilievre says he will support a bill that would stop the Liberal government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s “reckless” expansion of the nation’s euthanasia laws to those with mental illness.”

Run With Life: Ontario farms out 44 plus abortions to other provinces

“In 2021, Ontario farmed out between 44 and 54 of its abortions to other provinces (Quebec, Alberta and British Columbia.”

The Interim: It’s time for the pro-life movement to embrace bold, new pro-family policies

“With the overturning of Roe v. Wade, the pro-life movement finally has the opportunity to extend legal protection to unborn children, and legislatures in several states have already begun to do this. But we believe limiting or even banning abortion is not enough. We are pro-life conservatives, moderates, and liberals united in our conviction that every human life has value—including the lives of both the unborn child and that child’s mother. We believe that our society should prioritize the needs of both, and that ultimately this can only be achieved by significant changes in public policy.”

Rebel News: Interview with B.C. father who was jailed for speaking out against child’s medical transitioning without his consent

“Hear C.D.’s update on his legal plight, as well as his opinion about how radical gender ideologies being taught in schools and libraries are becoming more common.”

National Post: Canadians who reverse gender transition need better care, advocates say

“On the surface at least, the allegations levelled in Michelle Zacchigna’s recent lawsuit raise troubling questions about the medical care offered Canadians considering gender transition. She says health professionals ushered her along a transgender path that included removing her breasts and uterus, while giving short shrift to other mental-health issues. Realizing she’d made a terrible mistake, Zacchigna later began detransitioning, reverting to the female sex assigned to her at birth.”

Every Day for Life Canada: If Florida can pass legislation to protect children from woke curriculum, so can Ontario

“Parents in Ontario need a Parents' Bill of Rights. We must stop hurting children with comprehensive sex-"education," critical race theory and gender identity ideology in schools. Premier Doug Ford and Minister of Education Stephen Lecce what are you waiting for?”

ARPA: New bill would criminalize parents who use corporal discipline on their kids

“Parents ought to be able to raise their children as they see fit (within limits, of course). And those limits are already defined in Section 43 of the Criminal Code. Many parents believe they have the responsibility to discipline their children, not out of anger, but out of a desire to protect and train them to be good citizens. The government can never replace parents in the life of a child and must not try to do so by legislating how children ought to be raised.”

Inspiring stories to give you hope

Quebec Life Coalition: Flight attendant of 14 years quits her job to save babies from abortion

“How does a flight attendant go from traveling across Canada to spending most of her time in the streets of Toronto talking about abortion?” 

Live Action: WATCH: Mom’s emotional reunion with daughter 29 years after adoption

“One mother and daughter’s emotional reunion after 29 years is going viral on social media.”

Live Action: Couple gives birth to two sets of twins in less than two years: ‘It’s a huge blessing’

“While giving birth to twins is relatively rare, accounting for just three percent of all pregnancies, one Alabama couple has beaten the odds twice, giving birth to two sets of twins in less than two years.”

Epoch Times: Girl Abandoned During China’s One Child Policy Is Now Saving America’s Unborn Babies: ‘How Much Is a Child Like Me Worth?’

“A baby girl was among hundreds of millions of babies aborted or abandoned during China’s one-child policy era, a law enforced between 1980 and 2016. Luckily, a kindhearted woman from the United States adopted her as a toddler. Grateful that her birth mom chose life, she now dedicates herself to the pro-life movement, advocating for change to protect unborn babies.”

Awesome pro-life social media posts this week

Campaign Life Coalition

MP Arnold Viersen

Dr. Calum Miller

Must-see video of the week

Abortion survivor Gianna Jessen delivers powerful opening statement at the House Judiciary Committee's hearing on Planned Parenthood back in 2015.

Take Action

Sign our petition to Health Canada demanding that it ban the abortion pill following the death of a 19-year-old Canadian girl. Sign here.

Sign our new petition defending Student arrested after opposing males in female washrooms. Sign here.


Maureen, I believe that future history books will condemn what the West calls “humanitarian aid” to developing countries as a vile form of racism and even genocide.

Let me explain.

African pro-life leaders such as Obianuju Ekeocha have exposed how the West’s offer of help to African nations often has strings attached. It usually plays out this way: The West offers to build schools, provide education, give clean drinking water, and all the African nations have to do is sign onto “sexual and reproductive health programs” that peddle contraception and abortion.

Many African nations accept this “help” with the strings attached because they feel that there is no other choice.

Western humanitarian agencies then flood those nations with condoms and contraceptive pills, teaching the African people to stop having children. When the contraceptives fail, as they will at some point, the African people are then offered abortion as the "backup" birth control.

This is a direct and intentional targeting of the African people. Western elites such as Justin Trudeau and others are behind programs aimed at reducing and even wiping out black populations in the developing world.

This is exactly what racism is all about. It happens when one racial group believes that another racial group is inferior. Racism can lead to one group trying to dominate the other group, even to the point of attempting to annihilate them. Genocide is racism taken to the extreme.

Our Canadian government is using your tax dollars to fund this racism and genocide to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars annually.

That’s why I was so impressed when two representatives, from Uganda and Nigeria, spoke to our Foreign Affairs committee this week, stating plainly and clearly that Africa does not want the West’s contraceptive and abortion services masked as “aid.”

Every economist knows that a nation’s people are its most precious resource. It takes a nation of people working together to uplift that nation from poverty. Flooding African nations with contraception and abortion will certainly reduce populations, keeping them enslaved in poverty.

I love the African people. I love their inherent joy, their deep faith, and their courage in the face of obstacles. Whereas the West once went to the developing world to spread the good news of Jesus Christ, now African missionaries are coming to the West, re-evangelizing our post-Christian secular world.

We have much to learn from Africa and much to imitate.

Be bold and daring for life!