June 23, 2023

Dear Maureen, I’m Pete Baklinski and this is your Canadian Pro-Life News Bits where I let you know what’s happening on our country’s pro-life and pro-family front.

Tomorrow, June 24, is the first anniversary of the overturn of Roe. Thank God for this monumental victory for the pro-life movement and for preborn babies everywhere. This victory truly signified the loosening of the iron grip that the pro-abortion movement has held on America and the world for decades.

As CLC president Jeff Gunnarson said last year about this historic decision: “When life is winning in America, it is only a matter of time before life will be winning here in Canada too. This win is a huge encouragement for pro-life Canadians to work even harder to bring legal protection to children in the womb from conception onward.”

There are a couple of stories this week that I want to draw your attention to. The first, by one of our summer interns, is about a Protestant pro-life leader who has come out strongly against contraception, arguing that using contraception leads to “child aversion” which has resulted in the abortion holocaust. It’s a very thought-provoking read about the relationship between contraception and abortion.

A Parliamentary committee is worried about “backsliding” when it comes to abortion due to the overturn of Roe. It’s released a document with over a dozen recommendations about what can be done to shore up abortion “rights” at home and abroad. Now that we pro-lifers know their evil game plan, it should help us to better our own strategies to end abortion.

Pro-family activist Bill Whatcott, who infiltrated Toronto’s Pride parade a few years ago dressed in green as a "gay zombie," was in court this week after the Ontario government appealed a judge’s verdict which found Whatcott not guilty of hate crimes.

There are a few stories of more parents and students who are rising up to fight gender ideologies in schools and at school board meetings. There has never been such an uprising such as this.

Finally, don't miss my thoughts on the connection between the missing Titanic sub and the battle to end abortion.

Top Canadian pro-life stories you need to know about

Campaign Life Coalition: Petition asking schools to ban pride flags soars past 20,000 signatures

‘This significant milestone of 20,000 signatures coincides with a nationwide uprising of parents from diverse ethnic and faith backgrounds who are demanding that LGBT activists leave their school-aged children alone and cease indoctrinating them with sexual and gender ideologies,’ said Jeff Gunnarson, CLC’s National President.”

Campaign Life Coalition: Blaine Higgs Faces a Battle

“Premier Blaine Higgs has a real battle on his hands. The woke mob is at his throat. The media is lambasting him. Even Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has taken a swing at him, calling him a ‘far-right political actor’ and accusing him of targeting so-called ‘trans kids’.”

Campaign Life Coalition: Toronto mayoral by-election: who deserves your vote?

“Under no circumstances should pro-life, pro-family, or socially conservative voters in Toronto cast a ballot for Olivia Chow.”

Campaign Life Coalition: See what pro-life Protestant says about contraception

“Royce Dunn, founder of Please Let Me Live and Life Chain, recently published a piece titled ‘Who is most responsible for America’s abortion crisis?’. He puts the blame upon the acceptance of contraception.”

Campaign Life Coalition: Dad warns parents after losing contact with daughter over trans ideology

“Boschy spoke about the ideology and beliefs which he attributes to the degradation of their relationship, and his child’s anger towards him, saying that ‘this ideology tell[s] her that I somehow imposed my beliefs about gender on her as she grew up, and that my stereotypes made her believe that she was a girl, when she was really something else.’”

Global News: Parliamentary committee warns about abortion ‘backsliding’ one year after fall of Roe

“Almost one year after the fall of Roe v. Wade, the risk of more ‘backsliding’ of sexual and reproductive rights around the world is real — and Canada needs to do more to “scale up” its support, a parliamentary committee is urging in a new report.”

CLC comment: The fall of Roe was a battle-turning breach in the seemingly impenetrable stronghold of abortion ideology that has gripped the world for half a century. Pro-abortion Canadian politicians are scrambling to prevent so-called abortion rights from being swept away along with Roe. But the tide has turned against abortion.

Run With Life: Why Liberal MPs voted against bill to protect pregnant women

“Liberal MPs do whatever Joyce Arthur of the Abortion Rights Coalition tells them to do when a child in the womb is involved.”

Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: Quebec is the world's euthanasia hotspot, approximately 7% of all deaths are lethal injections

“Quebec has emerged as the world's euthanasia hotspot, where nearly 5,000 people opted for assisted suicides last year even as the Canadian province's officials make it easier for the terminally ill to end their lives.”

Mass Resistance: Canadian gov't APPEALS pro-family activist Bill Whatcott’s "Not Guilty" verdict for “inciting hatred.” The trial is this week

“In times like these — especially during “Pride Month” — it’s uplifting to encounter someone like Bill Whatcott who has won several victories against a tyrannical government pushing LGBT madness.”

Epoch Times: Dozens of Ottawa High School Students Stage Walkout to Protest Gender Ideology

“Dozens of students from Longfields-Davidson Heights Secondary School in Ottawa staged a walkout on June 15 to protest against gender ideology they say is being pushed by their school.”

The Hamilton Spectator: Police barricade doors, trustees shut down meeting in response to ‘gender ideology’ protesters at Hamilton school board

“At least 70 people — about 40 in the audience and many more outside, flags and signs raised — arrived at the building to protest gender-inclusive policies in schools.”

3…2…1…Action! - CLC videos

Catholic woman tells school board what Pride flag really means: CLC’s Josie Luetke powerfully lays out at a Catholic school board meeting yesterday why it should not fly the Pride flag. She explains the sordid creation of the flag and what it actually represents. The meeting was held on June 20 at the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board. 

Inspiring stories to give you hope

Live Action: After she found healing from her abortion, she learned ‘God can use something horrible for good’

"I thought that if these people knew I had an abortion, they’d despise me for it. Then, I saw a woman walk up to the podium and she began to speak about her abortion. I glanced around and didn’t see any strange reactions.”

Epoch Times: God’s 15 Miracles: Abortion Survivor Tells How Her Dad’s Prayers Doomed Her Mom’s 6 Abortion Attempts

"My dad recounts 15 specific miracles that God did along the way to rescue me from death."

LifeSite: Texas pro-lifers buy former abortion facility, turn it into parenting support center

"The location offers pregnancy tests, parenting classes, counseling services, baby supplies, and even some medical services."

LifeSite: Pro-life CEO offers employees ‘baby bonus’ to counteract companies paying for abortions

"While massive corporations facilitate the killing of their employees’ babies through abortion, one company wants to support families and encourage childbirth and adoption."

LifeNews: New Poll Shows 77% of Americans Want Limits on Abortions

"A new national poll shows 77% of Americans want limits on abortions and a strong majority reject the abortion on demand agenda of Joe Biden and Democrats."

Awesome pro-life social media posts this week

Campaign Life Coalition

Right To Life League

Kristan Hawkins

Must-see video of the week

Pro-life doctors answer tough questions: Life on Film continues with a special presentation of Doctors Standing Firm | International Pro-life Roundtable, filmed on location at the annual Rose Dinner on May 11, 2023 in Ottawa. 

Take Action

Sign our new petition asking RCMP to investigate deaths of babies born alive after failed abortion. Sign here.


Maureen, my thoughts and prayers this week have been with the search and rescue efforts for the five men in a submersible who lost contact with the surface ship after they dove down two-and-a-half miles to view the remains of the Titanic.

We sadly learned yesterday that the submersible suffered a catastrophic failure and imploded on itself just off the bow of the Titanic. The men would have perished instantly. May God have mercy on their souls and may they rest in peace.

What struck me during this unfolding drama was how the world united in an effort to find these men. The US Coast Guard, Canadian reconnaissance aircraft, Canadian military, Royal Canadian Navy, and some private companies all came together 700km off the coast of Newfoundland to search for these men.

These are the lengths that a humane society goes to in an attempt to save lives.

It is moments like these that reveal to all of us the value of human life.

I could not help but think of the similarities between the lives of these five men and the lives of children in their mothers’ wombs.

Why is it that the world rushes to save the lives of persons contained in the belly of an underwater vessel who need help to safely get out while it ignores the life of a person contained in the belly of a pregnant mother who also needs help to safely get out? 

How many abortions took place while the world breathlessly waited for news about the fate of the trapped five?

Are not all lives precious? Are not all lives worthy of being saved?

The answer is “yes.”

And, that’s why you and I are here in the pro-life movement to bring about a time when every preborn baby is valued and respected and safely delivered. We’re here to one day end abortion. And, we’re here because a humane society cherishes all human life.

So, let us be bold and daring for life!