Pro Life Bills and Motions

I  copied this from Joyce Arthur's pro-abortion website

Anti-Choice Private Member Bills and Motions Introduced in Canada Since 1987

November 11, 2010 *updated May 16, 2012*

At least 44 anti-choice private member bills or motions have been introduced in Canada's Parliament since 1987, and are listed below. They all failed to pass.

 The list does not include government bills of which there has been just one: Bill C-43, introduced in November 1989 by the Mulroney Conservative government to re-criminalize abortion except where the doctor deems an abortion necessary to preserve the woman's life or health. That bill was defeated in the Senate by a tie vote on January 31, 1991.


The Interim. Pro-life parliamentarians and their bills and motions. May 2011, pp 10-11. (francais:
