Legion of Mary Study Day


the following notes were taken by Maureen Ward




"What does it really mean to be a Legionary?" October 14, 2006 9:00 a.m. MASS---Our Lady of Fatima Church


(Open to all Active and Auxiliary Members)



10:45 a.m. "The Mission of the Legion of Mary in the United States and Canada-

The New Evangelization." Opening remarks.


Highlights of the July 2006 Legion Dublin Conference to be presented on the following topics, and discussed in an open forum with all present.

11 :00 a.m. Holiness of Its Members / Leadership in the Legion

11 :30 a.m. Towards a New Evangelization / Reaching Out to All


12:30 p.m. CATENA

12:40 p.m. Extension and Recruiting / Finance and Literature /Audits

I: 15 p.m. Leadership and Formation of Legionaries /Young Adult /Youth Movement/ Junior Movement

1:50 p.m. STRETCH - Washroom break

2:00 p.m. Legion Government / Promotion of the Three Causes

2:30 p.m. Co-operation with Priests/ Legion Works


"What Does it Really Mean to be A Legionary?"The Mission of the Legion of Mary in the United States and Canada: The New Evangelization

After attending 9 AM Mass, we met in the Parish hall for Registration and Coffee. The rosary and opening prayers were led by Father Jim Whalen at 10 AM . Afterwards, we were shown a slide show of the July 2006 Dublin Conference: It was an Open Forum presented by Sisters Marilyn Montminy and Sue Shepherd on the topics discussed at the Dublin Conference:

A little about our Founder

Frank Duff the founder of the Legion of Mary was a humble ordinary man who loved the Mass and His Catholic Faith.

When Frank Duff read The True Devotion to Mary the first time he didn’t put too much stock in this little Treatise on Our Blessed Mother by Saint Louis Marie de Montfort. But eventually he came to love The True Devotion . He said that one day he read it and something clicked and he realized what a treasure it was and he must take it to families! Today The Legion of Mary has 10,000,000 members world wide. -Frank Duff always prayed with a map in his lap.

He said that in his experience, People were eager to be asked about their faith and responded favorably when he approached them: for example He would walk up to somebody and say " Did you ever think about being a Catholic?"

He drove his bicycle where ever he went and he would take his camera throughout Dublin and take pictures . His camera had a little statue of Mary on the top and very often people would ask about it. That would be the opening he needed to talk about our Blessed Mother.

He describes the Legion as "Mary’s Presence, her Personality. Her Love."

Holiness of its Members and Leadership in the Legion:


How can we become more holy?

-Frequent attendance at Mass

-Practice true devotion to the Trinity.

-Frequent reception of the Sacraments. Every Sacrament allows transformation.

-Secret of the Legion is the True Devotion.

-Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament


-Praying the Rosary

-Faith, Love, and Reason

Leadership in the Legion

-Frank Duff said that even the impossible can lead to grace

-Officers must earn respect from its members



-Friend to all

-Have workshops to train officers

-Appoint various members to participate in leading a part of a meeting

-Legion executives must be servants

-Unity. Never, Never, Never disagree in front of the body.

-Don’t be a complainer or it will turn your Praesidium into a pig sty.

-Set aside time every month to study the promise.

-We do not go to the Holy Spirit. He comes to us and we must respond.

-Officers of each Praesidium should get together occasionally to plan schedules, dates for events etc.

-Be a good listener

-Leadership roles are to facilitate the Body of the Praesidium.

-If a leadership role is too large then divide it up.

-Enthusiasm and joy is always available from Mary.

-Senatus needs our prayers

-Father Whalen needs our prayers.

-Prayer keeps the devil at bay.

Towards A New Evangelization Reaching OutTo All

Mary is the "Star of the New Evangelization" Pope Benedict XV1

-it was suggested having apologetics classes for Legionaries. ( How to defend ones faith with short concise answers without offending anyone)

-People are harder to reach these days because of " Gated Community"

-Get to know someone in one of these condo- type communities and perhaps have an information session in their common room

" Exploratus Communicatus"

-Visit another Praesidium once in a while and perhaps set up a table together with Legion Information.

-Newly baptized are always open about learning more about the Catholic faith

-Faith is The "Father’s Gift" When we share our faith we are extending this gift to those who chose to accept it. (Like a bouquet of flowers)

-our young people are not the Church of the Future, they are the Church of today.

-think, plan, immobilize ( follow up)

-Patricians, a great way to evangelize.

-How about having a legionary at the door of the church to greet parents who are dropping their child off for mass?

-perhaps the legionary could prepare a package for parents of infants being baptized?

-try to visit schools

-personal testimonies. People love stories.

-teaching the rosary to families in their homes

-the University CCO Students give out free popcorn . They try to get names of fellow students and follow up with a phone call to invite them to a Christian meeting,

-the first contact is very important.

-Sister Marilyn said that the distance and aging problem didn’t seem like a problem any more after the Conference.

-the legion handbook is the most read book in the world after the Bible.

-3,000,000 active Legionary members

-7,000,000 auxilliaries

-Sister Marilyn said to us" there is so much grace behind you, so be proud of your Legion."

-sometimes we feel we are small but we are told we are going to be a smaller but more fervent Church ( Pope Benedict XVI)

-Sister Jennifer shared about the Evangelization ministry of the NET Ministry. We must pray for them and all our youth.

Extension and Recruiting

-step out from the core and use a map

-tactile and hands on.

-Columban Drive: assign extention workers.

-gather all the executives together for discussion.

-visit Seminarians, give them each at least 3 pieces of Legion Literature

including information On Frank Duff.

-Write letters. Frank Duff wrote numerous letters every day.

-Faith is caught, not taught.

Finance and Literature- Audits

-Paper work should always be kept.

-always 2 signatures

-cash must be counted by 2 Legionaries

-should help the church pay for any utilites we use, even if just a stipend.

-we can raise money for a Praesidium work ( i.e) Handicapped Pilgrimage

-any large amounts of money must go through council.

-someone commented that the treasurer of a Praesidium is most like Mary

( very practical)

–all councils should have their books professionally audited.

-a copy of all audits should go to Concilium

-no masses bought or paid for by secret bag ( except November Mass for Departed Legionaries and a mass each year for the sanctification of our priests.

-photocopy of monthly bank statement.

-accepting donations?

-public liability insurance.

-Father Whalen says that Legionary work is minimal risk because we always are sent out two by two.

-secret bag counted by two legionaries at the end of each meeting.

Leadership And Formation of Legionaries Young Adult/ Youth/ Junior Movement

-nominated to a leadership role: from that moment he/she is working to replace his/herself

-every executive position should be explained clearly

-assist officers as often as possible.

–we are Mary all over again; we are her up to date garment of flesh

-we need to challenge our membership to do things they don’t always feel like doing.

-show enthusiasm with our assignments.

-when a member balks at an assignment one could gently ask "Would you please do it for Mary?"

-we need to encourage enthusiasm in souls.

-to quote Frank Duff " Do you want more grace in your life?"

Young Adults- Youth Movement

-Sister Sue said that she learned about NET Ministries at the conference

-be Innovative

-Learn another language

-music is the universal language for youth ministry

-involve parents in activities

-Junior Group suggested age: 8-13

-Don’t baby them. Challenges are good for the young ones.

-altar servers

-include the youth whenever possible in parish activities.

-ask children to hand out church bulletins, song books etc. There is s a story of one priest who gathered up all the songbooks in the pews and had the young people hand them out at the door. It made extra work for the priest but it gave the youngsters a sense of purpose.

-Junior Retreats and Socials

-an older teen friend to look up to.

-include the youth whenever possible in parish activities.

Legion Government

-The weakest link in the Legion of Mary is The Curia , Communication between different levels of Legion Government is of utmost importance.

-All Legionaries must attend weekly meetings.

-Executives must attend Senatus.

-The priest is the Spiritual Director, not the Administrator,

-Organizational problem, go to the Council.

-Council Meetings decisions have an eternal effect. Please attend!

-No sluggish acceptance of postponed reports.

Promotion of the Three Causes

-promoting the cause for the canonization of Frank Duff is a great way to evangelize

-his true devotion to the Holy Spirit

-every apostolic work

-there is no such thing as a hopeless cause

- Emulating Frank Duff in holiness- promoting the great Catholic Doctrines

-Write to the Archbishop to promote the cause for Frank Duff

-think of Frank Duff as our personal friend because he is.

-carry Legion stickers, labels, booklets on Frank Duff, Edel Quinn, Alfie Lamb

-consult the Bishop about having a mass said at the Cathedral for Frank Duff as a special function and invite everyone in the diocese. Tables at the back set up with Legionary pamphlets etc.

-no other lay person has ever promoted such devotion to the Church as Frank Duff has: true devotion to Mary ,the Liturgy of the Hours, attendance at daily mass, pastoral service, defender of the faith.....

-wrote four lengthy letters every night. Frank Duff had a library full of books, but Before he died he regretted that he didn’t get to read more because he was always writing letters.

-an alcoholic at Morningstar Hostel once said "Frank Duff was the only person who looked up to him." Frank Duff by Bradshaw,


Alfie Lamb was a young shy country boy who died of cancer at the age of 26.

-at the time South America was trying to gain independence from Europe. Alfie was able to mobilize the lay people and give them power and hopefulness.

-He changed the Church in South America.

-Great favors are given when great favors are asked for.

-He died on the Feast Day of Saint Agnes

-After his death the youth would walk 30 km each year in January to Alfie’s graveside: he was so deeply loved.

-after his death, 200 legionaries came forward to continue his work in Chile, Peru, Bolivia


Edel Quinn was born in Cork in 1907 and died in 1936

-her missionary work was in Africa-where she worked tirelessly

-she covered the outbacks in rain mud and every kind of conditions

-she was proclaimed Venerable in 1994 by Pope John Paul 11

-it was said that Edel never had a day where she wasn’t ill but she persevered.

-Father Ted Colleton gave her communion 2 days before she died

The works of Frank Duff, Edel Quinn and Alfie lamb are nothing less than heroic.

Cooperation With Priests

-Legionaries work is ministerial and missionary

-Frank Duff said the Legionary work is a vocation.

-Frank Duff had total respect for priests

- never go to our priests with complaints

-"we must be wise as serpents but gentle as doves"

- pray and fast before contacting a priest-

- Be hospitable to student Priests

-Use retired priests as our Spiritual Directors

-Father Whalen says that he owes his vocation to the Legion of Mary

-It is unfortunate that many priests do not want the Legion of Mary in their parishes.

-pray pray pray for priests

Legion Works

-advance the praesidium by heroic works by emulating the heroes of the legion.

Father Jim Whalen said that -pro-life, pro-family work is always heroic ;

-Our Market Ministry

-Book Barrow to the University

-Frank Duff would approach people and ask them questions about their faith.

he was usually well received

-after huricaine Katrina a legionnaire traveled 8 hours in a bus to give the annual report of her praesidium

-in faith, step out of our comfort zone.

Closing Remarks


-grace comes -

- Mary will make the dream come true-

-Beg for a portion of Frank Duff’s wisdom and devotion

-partnership between laity and clergy

-handbook should become second nature to us and read daily.

-when you go where you have not been before you will never be the same.

-pray for heroic legionaries to be raised up. -

-purchase an ad to be put on back of parish bulletin.

-everything we do in the Legion of Mary changes the world.

-when I am judged God will ask me if I looked after the souls he sent to me.

-God is looking for our heart

-fidelity, there is grace in the effort.

Sister Marilyn told us a cute little joke

"Mary had a little lamb and he became a sheep’

He joined the Legion of Mary and died for lack of sleep"

Closing prayers 3:pm

It was a wonderful day . Thank you Mary!