Canada March for Life - Videos from 2012 to 2014

Excerpts from Bishop Fabro's very encouraging homily at the 2014 March for Life

Thank you, your Grace.

0:30 We will be joining thousands of people from across the country on Parliament Hill and then walking through the streets of Ottawa to show our opposition to abortion and to give a public witness of our deeply held conviction of the dignity and value of every human life. The public nature of our witness today is important. Last year 25,000 people assembled on Parliament Hill for the March for Life. It was a tremendous manifestation: people, young and old speaking with one voice, standing up together that abortion is wrong that it violates a fundamental human right the right to life. It's not easy to stand up for what we believe in

We can count on being ridiculed and being silenced. The message we hear from our secular society is that we should keep our religious convictions private. They say that they don't belong in our society. Just yesterday we were reminded of that. that if you are a pro life candidate you are not even welcome in some of our political parties. Standing up for what we believe in in a public way is an important part of our witness

5:50. At this Eucharist, we thank God for the signs of the Spirit's presence among us, for the many signs in our prolife work, and today I want to recognize the many many works that you people are doing the witness that you people are giving to your faith in the pro life activities you are involved with, the time and the energy you are giving to pro-life causes: the volunteer hours, the countless sacrifices you are making.

7:02 This Eucharist encourages us to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus. We can be confident that He is with us. We can be confident that with His help we will make a difference. In this passage that we've just listened to from the Gospel of John, Jesus tells his Disciples " I am the Bread of Life" The Bread that I will give for the Life of the world is My Flesh. As we continue our Eucharist we ask God to bless our March for Life on Parliament Hill. We ask Him to nourish and strengthen us with Jesus the Brea