How Can We Build A Culture of Life



by Fr. Jim Whalen

1997, Issue 2

Pope John Paul II proposes "A Day of Life" which could be celebrated each year in every country.(E.V. 85) Some countries have already committed themselves to this cause. Let us storm Heaven boldly. "A great prayer for life is urgently needed. Let us discover anew the humility and the courage to pray and fast so that the power from on high will break down the walls of lies and deceit: the walls which conceal from the sight of so many of our brothers and sisters the evil practices and laws which are hostile to life." (E.V. 100)

Recently, a brother priest asked Priests for Life to stir up interest in Canada for "A Day of Life". The Feast of the Visitation seemed to be the date most organizations favored. With two expectant mothers, Mary and Elizabeth, focused attention on the new human life they carried within their wombs, Jesus and John. Perhaps our bishops would respond to this initial interest if they were encouraged to do so.

Of special concern is the authentic education of young adults in moral values and training in chastity. (E.V. 97). Of equal importance is training in Natural Family Planning (ie: W.O.M.B.). This means rejecting the hedonistic mentality found in our society, that promotes irresponsible recreational sexuality with a self-centered concept of freedom, resulting in contraceptive practices and the multiplication of abortifacient chemical products, devices and vaccines (ie: Depo-provera, Norplant, Microval, Triphasil and Nordette). Secularism promoted sex without babies. Today it promotes babies without sex, with artificial reproductive methods (ie: in vitro fertilization methods) that separate procreation from the human conjugal act, devoid of human love.

We must reveal and oppose the international organizations and governments that support the present culture of death mentality, such as Planned Parenthood Federations, UNICEF and the United Nations Population Fund, which implement oppressive population control regimes as in China (one child per family policy). We must also oppose the multi-national cartels that promote a false demography, a global overpopulation myth, that seek to manipulate and destroy life (ie: forced sterilization camps of India). The World Bank refuses to aid needy countries’ projects until their government accepts population control quotas.

Our bishops have recently challenged us to question our leaders about their ethics on life, their preferential option for the poor and the marginalized and their accountability in stewardship. We cannot support moral bankruptcy. We need leaders who will live and speak the truth, who recognize God as their Creator, who listen and heed His natural and moral laws, who are not afraid to live as Christians.

Mother Theresa reminds us of our part in this struggle: "What we are doing is a Drop in the Ocean, but without us the Ocean would be one Drop less." Let us accept the challenge of Pope John Paul II to proclaim the truth of Veritatis Splendour: "To preach the word, be unfailing in patience and in teaching". (TIM 4:1-5) Let us build a culture of life. Join us in writing to our Canadian bishops to encourage 'A Day of Life' for Canada. ¤