A word or two to inspire you

St.Ignatius of Loyola, Mother Teresa, Pope John Paul II, Pope Benedict VI, Blessed Jerzy Popieluszko, Father James Whalen, and more...

St.Ignatius of Loyola, , Mother Teresa, Pope John Paul II, Pope Benedict VI, Blessed Jerzy Popieluszko, Father James Whalen and more...

Some of my favorite quotes and reflections

" God’s moral message and standards are clear. We are to 'take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ ' (2 Cor. 10:5). 'Every thought we allow should be able to pass the examination proposed in Scripture. Is this thought, true, noble… right… pure… lovely… admirable… excellent… worthy? (cf Phil 4:8) + "' Father James Whalen , Catholic Life and Family, 2004, Issue 1

A Prayer for Life " Lord, give us the strength to persevere. Father; teach us how to change hardened hearts. Help us always to choose life. Grant us the graces to protect all human life today. Have mercy and forgive all who promote a culture of death. Lord, open the eyes of all to your truth. "Father James Whalen DAILY PRO-LIFE PRAYER - A Review by Fr. Jim Whalen 2001, Issue 3

" The right to life of a human fetus is non-negotiable. To experiment on a human fetus, is not acceptable. The truth is non-negotiable." Father James Whalen The truth is non-negotiable ~REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGY~ by Fr. Jim Whalen 1997, Issue 2

" Truth never changes. It cannot be destroyed by any decision or legal act. Telling the truth with courage is a way leading directly to freedom " Blessed Jerzy Popieluszko

“Let nothing disturb you, Let nothing frighten you, All things are passing away. God never changes. Patience obtains all things. Whoever has God lacks nothing; God alone suffices.” Santa Teresa de Jesús

" Each of us is the result of a thought of God. Each of us is willed. Each of us is loved. Each of us is necessary." Pope Benedict XVI

"I f we allow the love of Christ to change our heart, then we can change the world. This is the secret of authentic happiness." Pope Benedict XVI

“No one in the world can change Truth. What we can do and should do is to seek truth and to serve it when we have found it. "Maximilian Kolbe

" Dear friends, may no adversity paralyze you. Be afraid neither of the world, nor of the future, nor of your weakness. The Lord has allowed you to live in this moment of history so that, by your faith, his name will continue to resound throughout the world. "Pope Benedict XVI

"To choose rightly it is necessary to concentrate on the end for which I am created, that is, for the praise of God and for the salvation of my soul." - St.Ignatius of Loyola, Spiritual Exercises, 169

"Take Lord, and receive all my liberty, my memory, my understanding, and my entire will, all that I have and possess. Thou hast given all to me. To Thee, O lord, I return it. All is Thine, dispose of it wholly according to Thy will. Give me Thy love and thy grace, for this is sufficient for me." Saint Ignatius Loyola

"Let not your heart be disturbed. Do not fear that sickness, nor any other sickness or anguish. Am I not here, who is your Mother? Are you not under my protection? Am I not your health? Are you not happily within my fold? What else do you wish? Do not grieve nor be disturbed by anything." Words of Our Lady to Juan Diego

"Do not be afraid of the demands of the love of Christ. On the contrary, be afraid of being fainthearted, of taking things lightly, of seeking your comfort, of being selfish. Be afraid of everything that seeks to silence the voice of Christ Who addresses each person." Pope John Paul II

"It is a great poverty to decide that a child must die so you can live as you wish" Mother Teresa of Calcutta

"The greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion because it is war against the child " Mother Teresa of Calcutta

"Suffering for the sake of love, truth, and justice is a sign of fidelity to the God of life and of hope. It is the blessedness of those who suffer for Christ, who fall to the ground like grains of wheat and are promised life and resurrection." Pope John Paul II

" Let us pray the Rosary and ask our Blessed Mother to strengthen us, so that we always have the courage to promote the sanctity of human life and defend Catholic Teaching." Jennifer Snell, Ottawa ON, Canada

"We can conquer 'The Culture of Death' and build a 'Culture of Life' if we unite in dedicated prayer, through our Blessed Mother, Mary, by proclaiming the Glory of God throughout the entire world". Fr. Jim Whalen , founding National Director, Priests for Life Canada

"The common outcry which is justly made on behalf of human rights - for example, the right to health, to home, to work, to family to culture, is false and illusory if the right to life, the most basic and fundamental right and the condition of all other personal rights, is not defended with maximum determination." Pope John Paul II, Christifideles laici

"Those who deem themselves to be Christian must know this fact. They are bound by conscience to the basic, imperative duty of bearing witness to the truth in which they believe and to the grace that has transformed their soul. "Blessed Pope John XXIII

" At the heart of the human family and of the Church the work of assistance to the poor, the sick, the elderly, the disabled, the marginalized, the alienated, is as fruitful as the love that inspires it. It is a living force of Christ's disciples that cause today's observers to repeat, "See how they love one another." Pope John Paul II

" And the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us, and we saw his glory, the glory as of the Father's only Son, full of grace and truth." John 1:14

All it takes for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing." Edmund Burke

"Nothing strengthens authority so much as silence" Leonardo da Vinci

"The peace of Christ is different from that of the world. The peace of Christ surely does not remove trials and tribulations, but it is always a source of serenity and happiness. For it brings with it the fullness of life." Pope John Paul 11

"Pray for the many spiritual and material needs of your families, your communities, the whole Church, and all of humanity. Indeed, prayer is the first and greatest work of charity that we must do for our brothers and sisters." Pope John Paul 11

"Mary is the clearest and surest sign that God always comes to us with His love. She sings with all her being that whatever we receive from God is grace. The Virgin is our true teacher in the journey of faith." Pope John Paul II

My Lord God, I have no idea where I am going. I do not see the road ahead of me. I cannot know for certain where it will end. Nor do I really know myself, and the fact that I think that I am following Your Will does not mean that I am actually doing so. But I believe that the desire to please You does in fact please You. And I hope I have that desire in all that I am doing... - Thomas Merton

"You will probably, if you continue as you do, begin the laborious job of changing the national mind and opening up the national conscience. How far will you get? God alone knows. All that you and I can ever hope for in terms of visible results is that we will have perhaps contributed something to a clarification of Christian truth in this society, and as a result a few people may have got it straight about some things and opened up to the grace of God and made some sense out of their lives, helping a few more to do the same." Thomas Merton

" All the good that you will do will come not from you but from the fact that you have allowed yourself, in the obedience of faith, to be used by God's love. ...The real hope, then, is not in something we think we can do, but in God who is making something good out of it in some way we cannot see. If we can do His will, we will be helping in this process. But we will not necessarily know all about it beforehand." Thomas Merton

Do not make concessions as regards truth and goodness. Do not stoop to compromise on the Gospel values that must be the basis of your life. For they are the foundation of your new life inaugurated by Christ." Blessed Pope John Paul II

From the homily - Saint Patrick Basilica - 2009 March for Life `Being pro life is not just a cause, it is a calling. We are men and women who are called to be artisans of a culture of life. We know in our hearts that human life is to be respected because it is sacred, because we are made in God's likeness. It is not mere religious opinion. Upholding the right to life is speaking up for a basic fundamental human right. We are called to give our lives so others may live, not counting the cost and not afraid to acknowledge the truth. Our vocation is love and it is by our love that we will win the hearts of others and the world will come to know the truth. ``Bishop Jean Louis Plouffe

" The absolute ‘right’ to an abortion without conditions does not exist in Canadian law. Canadian courts have been clear on that. Is it time that Canadians and indeed Parliament carry out what the Court has suggested – to have a debate about what ‘life’ means in Canada, to determine the role that abortion should have, and to put in place laws that will protect every Canadian’s right to ‘life, liberty and security of the person’, as stated in Section 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms?" Taken from A ‘RIGHT’ TO ABORTION? - ABORTION IN CANADIAN COURTS – Office of David Anderson, MP (July 2018)