Held at the Rodd Royalty Conference Hotel, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island

Lighting the Way – Securing the future for all human life

The National Pro-Life Conference was a joint undertaking of LifeCanada and Prince

Edward Island (PEI) Right to Life Society. The organizers were looking to take

inspiration from the fact that the conference was being held on Prince Edward Island

which is the only province in Canada where abortion is not allowed. Prince Edward

Island is often referred to as a Life Sanctuary.

The welcoming flavour of the conference began when delegates were met at the airport

by members of the Knights of Columbus and escorted to the Rodd Royalty Conference

Hotel. It was fitting that one of these gentleman won the Priests for Life Canada draw

of a statue of our blessed Mother Mary with the Child Jesus. During the conference a

unique initiative to raise funds for MaterCare International (MCI)

was a silent auction of 37 donated quilts. MCI is an international group of health care

providers dedicated to improving the lives of Mothers and babies in Africa. Dr. Robert

Walley founder and director of MCI was a speaker at the conference and was therefore

present to accept the funds from the quilt action.


Dr. Debra Zeni MD (MD, specializes in Obstetrics and Pediatrics) and is a Senior

Researcher at the deVeber Institute for Bioethics and Social Research. Dr Zeni spoke

about Women’s Health after Abortion Dr. Zeni opened her talk by speaking of our

compassionate God and how He wishes that His children would be a loving people

who would tenderly embrace each other, including babies not yet born. Dr. Zeni told

the audience that in her first pregnancy she was one of at least 50% of women who are

coerced to abort their babies. Dr. Zeni recounted how colleagues strongly urged her

to 'terminate' her first pregnancy because she was just beginning a very demanding

career. Dr. Zeni and her husband could not be more proud of their well loved son who is

now in his thirties.

Dr. Zeni cited science based studies that reveal serious physical and psychological

problems that require medical intervention following induced abortion. Physical

complications: surgery to control hemorrhage, perforated uterus, future ectopic

pregnancies, pelvic inflammatory disease, infertility, still births, spontaneous abortions

(miscarriage) and premature low birth weight babies. There is also the problem of

an exceptionally high incidence of breast cancer for these women. Psychosocial

harm: a 6% increase of admissions to mental health facilities with a significant risk

in suicidal ideation, depersonalization, isolation, victimization, addictive behaviours

and promiscuity. Dr. Zeni spoke of the many times she treats post abortive women

who present with these issues, many of which are attributed to unhealed abortion(s).

She spoke of the necessity for these women to firstly forgive themselves, to forgive

others who encouraged or forced their abortion(s) and their need to find genuine love.

Dr. Zenis' presentation although filled with ghastly news was delivered with love and

compassion for the victims of abortion.

Note: In Canada one in three women have experienced abortion. Last reported numbers

of surgical abortions (2010) is 100,000. Chemical abortions brought about by the

morning after pill, or plan B are unknown.

Natalie Sonnen Executive Director of LifeCanada told CBC news, "I applaud PEI for

keeping it [elective abortion] off the Island; I hope PEI will take it a step further, and

stop funding out of province abortions too. Every provincial government in Canada can

spend their money the way they choose with regard to healthcare and if they don't fund

abortions, that is their prerogative." Natalie spoke on the work done by LifeCanada

the national educational arm of the Canadian pro-life movement. LifeCanada hosts

several web sites that support major educational campaigns. and In conjunction with the

adoption awareness campaign, LifeCanada published a widely used resource, the Plan

A Guide (A for adoption) an adoption resource for women with unplanned pregnancies.

LifeCanada produces an educational journal featuring prolife news and investigative

opinions. An important feature of the work done by LifeCanada is the annual national

polls. The polls are especially used by politicians who table pro-life bills and motions.

The most recent poll on euthanasia showed a significant shift in thinking amongst

Quebecers when an educative component was provided in each question.

Dr. Robert Walley, MD and Obstetrician is the founder of MaterCare International. Dr

Walley reminded us that every woman who becomes pregnant is a Mother. He felt it

necessary to state this because at the UN the word Mother is no longer a word that is

used when talking about women and their children. This is so because UN beaurocrats

have decided that the word Mother raises emotional overtones. Dr. Walley spoke of

the giants in the field of medicine who were saddened on how their medical research

and development have been misused. It is no secret that in most countries ultra sound

technology is the cause of female babies being aborted, just because they are female.

Unborn babies are likewise terminated if an amniocenteses shows that the baby in

not 'perfect.' Dr. Jérôme Lejeune identified the genetic reason for Down Syndrome and

tragically, this discovery has led to the death of millions of unborn babies. Then there is

the case of Sir William Lily who perfected amniocentesis took his own life when he saw

how it being used.

In 1969 Dr. Walley was banned from practicing medicine in Britain because he (and

many other doctors) would not perform abortions. Dr. Walley eventually went to Nigeria

where he saw that 91% of babies and many mothers died from obstetrical problems

that he knew could easily be remedied. Following a chance audience with Pope John

Paul ll, Dr. Walley was inspired to found Matercare which is an organization of health

professionals dedicated to the care of Mothers and babies. MCI follows four pillars

- Advocacy, Research, Training and Service to reduce maternal mortality, morbidity,

and abortion in Africa. Matercare’s mission is to serve the Culture of Life where it

is most at risk - in those areas where mothers and their children are neglected or

abandoned outright. Dr. Walley and the African people themselves are angry with

what is happening in rich counties where families, marriages and lives are destroyed

and now there is a wave by the rich countries to do the same in countries like Africa.

Many Africans are livid with Bill Gates and supposed women’ s rights groups who come

into Africa advocating the value of using condoms and aborting children. Dr. Walley

reminded the conference that the Government of Canada provides funds to agencies

that support efforts to 'eliminate the dignity of Motherhood.'

Dana Rosemary Scallon is an Irish singer and former member of the European

Parliament. Dana works tirelessly for peace, Christian family values, and respect for all

life. She was the first woman to be awarded the highly prestigious St. Benedict Award

for her outstanding work in defending Family and Life. She is heartbroken that Ireland

has legalized abortion. Dana sang and entertained at the banquet as she told of us her

journey to protect all life.

KC McLean, National Administrator for Canadian Physicians for Life and Pearl Palmer,

Executive Director of Parent Find in PEI did a joint presentation for a very good reason.

KC was the child that Pearl released to adoption when she became pregnant as a high

school student in PEI at age 16. Pearl stood strong against coercion efforts to abort her

baby but did agree to adoption. In 2011, KC and Pearl were re united within 48 hours

of KCs' on line search to find her birth mother. KC described her adoptive family as

a beautiful family who loves and cherishes her. KC is now very pleased that she and

Pearl are forming a mother daughter relationship.

Andrea Mrozek is the Executive Director of the Institute of Marriage and Family. She

presented a very thought provoking talk on how abortion is destroying marriages,

families and is having a negative impact on society in general. Highlights from Andrea's


- Abortion leads to the demise of marriage.

- About 1% of women who had an abortion eventually married the father of

that baby.

- Communication is more difficult after an abortion, and sexual intimacy is


- Abortion causes both men and women to devalue sex.

- Andrea has much more information at

Alissa Golob is the youth co-coordinator for Campaign Life Coalition. Alissa described

post secondary campuses as "hot beds for anti-choice citizens" and she spoke of the

on-campus energy that exists to support "the poor beleaguered pro-choice students."

Alissa reported that in Ontario the provincial government has de funded many essential

services while spending $30,000,000-$50.000.000 on elective abortion annually.

Rebecca Richmond is the Executive Director of the National Campus Life Network.

She considers all current youth as survivors because they were permitted to be born

at a time when they could have been aborted, no reason required. Rebecca lamented

that many people of her age speak freely about siblings they do not know because

they were aborted. Rebecca told the 'senior' members at the conference that in the

spiritual battle to end abortion they are very much needed and that young and old need

to support each other in differing strategies. Rebecca pleaded with the older members

in the audience to not be so fast in 'passing the torch'. Alissa and Rebecca organized a

youth conference in conjunction with about 50 high school and university age students

in attendance.

Peter Ryan is the Executive Director of New Brunswick Right to Life. Peter is a founding

member and past president of LifeCanada. He focused his talk on the existing push to

legalize euthanasia in Canada. He told us not to be fooled into thinking that Canada

as a nation will avoid legalizing euthanasia once one province wins the right. Peter

said, "Be aware that what happens in Quebec will happen in the rest of Canada."

Results of a Quebec poll commissioned by LifeCanada on euthanasia were released

on the final day of the conference. Peter was delighted to report from the poll that a

significant change in thinking (40%) amongst Quebecers took place once they realized

that Bill 52 and its euphemism about 'medical aid in dying' is really all about euthanasia.

Peter reminded all to pray, pray, pray that no law would ever be passed to legalize any

form or killing.

Alex Schadenburg is the Executive Director of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition.

Alex spoke of the euthanasia situation in Belgium where doctor endorsed deaths are

occurring without explicit requests from patients or their families. Alex reported that in

2011 of 208 assisted suicides, 66 of these deaths were done without request. He also

spoke of a survey on euthanasia practices where of the 40% of nurses who responded,

35% of them reported euthanizing patients in their care without patient or family

consent and without a medical order. Alex reminded the audience that Quebec Bill 52 is

modeled on the Belgium euthanasia law.

Mike Schouten is the Executive director of We Need a Law campaign. and a featured speaker at the conference. We Need a Law

is leading a push to assemble a Canadian abortion law that would protect unborn

babies 'to the greatest extent possible.’ Mike said, "Of course we support the protection

of life from fertilization onwards but since no unborn babies are protected under

Canadian law now, we have to start somewhere."

Schouten acknowledges his opinions are unpopular by some pro-life workers. He

thanked Catholic Church leaders for their support of the We Need a Law Campaign.

Mike believes that once we have a law that would protect babies under some conditions

then it will be possible to move public opinion step by step until a time when Canadians

will move out of the complete darkness where we currently find ourselves. "The law

does teach us…We can never underestimate where the Canadian people are going to

go as far as their opinions on abortion” he said.

Stephen Woodworth is the Federal MP for Kitchener Centre in Ontario. He said “The

denial of human equality is the greatest threat to democracy in Canada today... [and

that] every human being should have equal worth and dignity.” Although his recent

Private Member Motion that would have struck a committee to study when human life

begins was defeated in the House of Commons, he says another motion will be coming

soon. Stephen said that pro-life MPs understand the frustration often felt by people

like ‘you’ who commit so much of your energy and resources to fight for the rights of all

human beings. He informed the audience that many good MPs are working to develop a

law and asked us to keep these brave men and women in prayer.

Mother Teresa Award – Marilyn Bergeron A definite highlight for the members of

Pro-Life Cornwall Pro-Vie group from Ontario was the fact that their own Marilyn

Bergeron was the 2013 recipient of the LifeCanada Mother Teresa Award. This award is

presented to a deserving person in recognition of their outstanding contribution to pro-

life work. Marilyn’s long standing and exceptional work was recognized as Lisa Smith,

president of LifeCanada presented Marilyn with the award. Heartfelt congratulations are

extended to Marilyn and her family.