by Fr. Jim Whalen

1997, Issue 3

An international population control program exists today which teaches an erroneous theory of overpopulation. This false concept of demographic explosion is promoted by the more economically developed countries “who are either responsible for the poverty in other nations and/or are unwilling to cooperate in helping these countries to cope with their high population.” (E.V. 16, Pope John Paul II) Instead of dealing with the dignity of individuals and families and their right to life, international organizations such as IPPF, UNFPA, WHO, World Bank, PPFC, USAID, UNICEF, CIDA and CAPPD promote an inhuman policy of massive birth control, proposing contraception, sterilization and abortions as their solutions.

In order to understand this issue, it is helpful to go back to the origins and causes of such false propaganda. It is clear that fear, power and greed are among the main reasons for this manipulation and imposition of birth control. The Pharaoh of Egypt acted out of fear, considering the Israelites a threat because they were “numerous and strong” declaring it “prudent to take steps against their increasing.” (EX 1:9-11) He forced them into slavery and made their lives unbearable. He ordered that every male child born of the Hebrew woman was to be killed. “If it is a boy, kill him.” (EX 1:16) The same anti-birth policy is forced on nations today, but goes further to invade the very wombs of women, the most dangerous place to be in this day and age. (over 55 million abortions annually in the world; over 300 daily in Canada)

Rev. Thomas Malthus’ Credo, (1798) depicted his principle of population: “The power of population is indefinitely greater than the power of the earth to produce subsistence for man.” His theory was rendered obsolete by 1900 when food production kept pace with or exceeded population increases, due to numerous technological advances.

The fact is we do not have a world overpopulation problem, we do have however, a distribution problem of resources (food, etc.), and political, economical and social justice problems. There is also a lack of technological development in many underdeveloped countries. The world population is roughly six billion. In Canada, the province of Alberta has 255,285 square miles, enough to house the world population in single family homes. (HLI, Deadly Deception, P.29) The world today could support 100 billion with everything needed for life. (Population Re-search Institute, Falls Church, VA, USA 22041)

World power and control is a driving force behind the depopulation policy. “Rich countries perceive population numbers in the third world as a threat to their security.” (The New World Order and Demographic Security, Michael Shooyans, Sept. 1995) It is for the benefit of the rich that others are asked to live in anti-life and birth-control regimes. Contraceptive imperialism, a culture of death is imposed by an elite minority trying to control the future majority.

An international population control program is evident in a strategy for developing countries. It begins with persuading or forcing national legislatures to accept as a given: ‘small families = progress’. Countries are then flooded with contraceptives, pills, abortifacients, etc. (suppression of fertility). This is followed by a massive propaganda campaign, to embrace sex as recreational, limiting family numbers (i.e.: one child per family policy in China). Family ties are severed (groundwork for abortion). Next coercive incentives for large scale neutering are set up (i.e.: sterilization camps in India). When attempts at contraception failure, abortion was proposed as a necessary follow up, with meaningless restrictions so as to ensure later acceptance. Following this initial stage of controversy, humanitarian reasons are given to remove abortion restrictions. Finally, when respect for the unborn or preborn has been adequately suppressed, the legalization of euthanasia and assisted suicide can commence. (summary of the Seven Step Strategy”, the Facts of Life, Brian Clowes, 1997, P.292, HLI publication) The following step is already in progress, reproductive technology or eugenic engineering: “The mass production of designer babies according to pre-conceived specifications”. (Deacon Dr. R. McDonald, board member, Priests for Life, Canada)

In our Western Hemisphere Region the International Planned Parenthood Federation (formerly called ‘The American Birth Control League’ (ABCL), was founded by Margaret Sanger with the opening of a clinic in Brooklyn, New York, USA in October of 1916. Her three main directions were: free sex, birth control and eugenics. She accepted abortion as a method of birth control. She wanted all women to enjoy sex ...“without having to bear children they didn’t want”. She advocated absolute control over the number of children by almost any means: i.e. Quinine pills to prevent implantation... “The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it”. (Women and the New Race, Margaret Sanger, 1920, P.63, ‘Deadly Deception’) To Sanger, eugenics meant the elimination through birth control, including abortion, of all people she considered to be of ‘dysgenic stock’, those she considered unfit. PPFA operates 938 clinics that perform surgical abortions. It receives an income of $478 million a year and commits 133,289 abortions per year. (PPFA Annual Report, 1994-1995) The figures are staggering. In China during 1975-1995, more than 200 million preborn children have been killed, with 14,371,843 in 1983 alone. (Slaughter of Innocents, John S. Aird, ‘Coercive Birth Control in China’, 1990)

In Canada, the PPFC International efforts are directed toward Colombia, (24% of international funds) Mexico (5%), and the Caribbean (4%). Teens are instructed in birth control by the implementation of ‘under 20 clubs’. The CAPPD was established under MP Jean Augustine (Liberal) just prior to the last federal election, with the purpose of implementing UN population control schemes and promoting Canada’s role in pushing these schemes on poor countries. The CIDA contributed more than $1 million in the form of foreign aid to UNFPA for eradicating poverty and averting environmental catastrophe, responding to the myths of exploding population and encroaching climate crises. (Global Family News Net)

The UN agency, UNFPA has claimed that the world is overpopulated, and advocates contraception, sterilization and abortion worldwide. Somehow they have forgotten God is the creator: “It is morally unacceptable to encourage, let alone impose, the use of methods such as contraception, sterilization, and abortion in order to regulate births”. (E.V. 91).

The best way to defeat these powerful agencies is to be informed, promote Christian values, be involved in the education of our children, join a pro-life organization such as Priests for Life, and most important, pray always for our Lady of Guadalupe’s victory plan to build a culture of life, a civilization of love; St. Joseph’s protection plan for families and St. Michael the Archangel’s defense plan of working together with all the angels, saints and people of goodwill. ¤