Why Pushya Nakshatra is an auspicious nakshatra?

Falling in Cancer Zodiac sign, Pushya Nakshatra is symbolized with Cow’s Udder which represents the nourisher. In Hinduism, the Cow finds the most auspicious place for being a symbol of productivity and fertility. Therefore, natives of Pushya Nakshatra are known to be quite-esteemed, attractive-looking, productive, stable-minded and happy.

What are the key characteristics of Pushna Natives –

Pushna Nakshatra is ruled by Brihaspati as it is the ruling deity of Pushya. In the influence of Brihaspati, the natives of Pushy possess benevolent nature. Saturn is the ruling planet of this Nakshatra and hence the natives get traits like being practical and commitment-oriented. These people are very homely and family-oriented. They crave good food and a fantastic social life. A fine balance between different aspects of life is quite common to be seen in Pushya natives.

The effect of Pushya Nakshatra makes the native being interested in spirituality and religious activities. These people are fully dependable, peace lovers, protective and highly generous.

Pushya Nakshatra – Physical & Behavioural Traits of Natives –

The natives born in Pushya Nakshatra have moderate complexion with well-proportioned body structure. Their face is structured and they actually have great physical appearance. In behavioural traits of Pushya natives, the list would be quite long. Though the main ones include their intuitiveness and smartness which is imbibed in their character. These people are truly selfless, full of creativity and passion. They are known for their philanthropic approach and humanitarian ideology which leads them to a respectable social position.

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Pushya natives love to fight for the interest of common people and strongly stand by someone who they believe in. These people are independent with financial expertise in their nature.

Though Pushya Natives are jam-packed with several positive attributes, yet there are some negative points in them which include their narrow-mindedness or being overly-orthodox. They are over-sensitive and extremely possessive. Though they are headstrong, yet their arrogance and stubborn nature makes them sometimes annoying and disrespectful.

Knowing where/how Pushya Natives can find compatibility –

The natives of Pushya Nakshatra make the perfect pair with natives of Krittika Nakshatra. In addition, they also find compatibility with natives of Swati and Hasta Nakshatras. Though the natives of Nakshatras like Purva Bhadrapada, Dhanishta, Chitra and Vishaka are thoroughly non-compatible partners to Pushya natives.

Characteristics of male natives of Pushya Nakshatra –

The male natives who are born in Pushya Nakshatra are quite emotionally weak and very sensitive. Making strong decisions in life would be a big challenge for them. They desire to get respect and admiration from all around. Though the praises often lead them to become overly egoistic and negative remarks drive sadness. Therefore, it is recommended to Pushya natives to choose a company wisely because it would impact their habits and life greatly. They are dedicated with extremely high will-power. In the early years of life, they suffer with bad health.

Pushya Nakshatra Female Natives’ nature –

The female natives of Pushya Nakshatra find it very hard to have peace in their life. In spite of wishing best for others and trying best to get along with all, they are most of the time badly-treated. Their nature is submissive and they are prone to religious activities. They never argue with anyone about following something.

Pushya Nakshatra natives are acclaimed to be surrounded with positive traits. But, if they are not guided well, they can face multiple challenges in life. For avoiding unwanted conflicts in life and to learn your exact birth place, Dr. Vinay Bajrangi can be your all-time dependable astrology expert.