Astrological Combinations for Successful Business as Birth Chart

Human beings nurse varieties of dreams, some chase their visions, and some their hunches, and some of us even have the great American dream, which is meant for rank students studying at the premier institutions. Most students would not be getting beyond the visa office interview, which means their dreams of overseas travel are shattered. This is not the only problem that puts the youngsters to unrest today. Almost everybody is besotted with the images of a plush mansion and fancy cars and a business magnate title. Still, few make an earnest effort to grow their assets in that direction. Business brings a lot of frustrations, disappointments, psychosomatic health ailments, which is its part and parcel. These days, people are spoilt for choice in business pursuits. With our country making a foray into the indigenous business field, many opportunities have opened for the entrepreneurs amongst us. Let us examine deeply the confluences and conditions required to upgrade our income as per the janam kundli we are born under.

The ninth, the seventh, and the second houses in a natal chart are the points to look for while trying to extract information about your business possibilities. If the planetary confluence is auspicious and the affinity encouraging, the native can very well try his hand at business. The degree of strength of the planet decides the degree to which the business will be successful. Likewise, Mercury is the planet that is chiefly referred to for business. If Mercury occupies the 2nd, 7th, 10th, and 11 houses, or if it connects in some way to the rulers of the 2nd m 9th, and 10th houses, the native will have an active interest in running a business.

If these planets/houses are incompatible or if the 2nd house has a malefic seated in or afflicting it, the native will get into a business in the smaller segments, or he would not venture at all. Likewise, if the lord of 2nd occupies the ascendant, with Mercury seated in a good position, the native would start a business venture while still young,

What are the combinations for Partnership Business?

Partnership business flourishes well under the following combinations. If the 2nd house is in affliction, the native will find it troublesome to allot himself a partner and run it in the association. The partnership is not advised for those whose seventh house is in affliction, and the lords of end and 7th are equal.

On the other hand, if benefic planets occupy the 7th House or the second House is afflicted, or the lords of 2nd and 7th are not equal, the native will run the business in partnership with his wife or someone close to him from the opposite gender.

But if the 2nd and 7th houses are connected, and Mercury occupies the 7th or 2nd, natives can partner with anyone.

How to find Success in Business astrologically?

Astrologically it is easy to find success in business. If the 2nd, 9th & 11th houses are in a good position and Mercury is benefic in ascendant or 2nd or 11th house, the native succeeds in business. The 2nd and 11th houses govern finances, and to get success in business, both the 2nd and the 11th houses should be in better combination with planets. Likewise, if the 2nd house is in a good position, but the 11th is bad, then the native can-do small-scale business, or if the business is well established, then it is likely to run in losses or remain after a few years profitless.

If Mercury is deemed to be beneficial in the 2nd house and the ascendant is in a good position, the native is blessed with a sharp business acumen. He can make hefty profits by making investments or shares. If Mercury is seated in the ascendant and Moon in the 7th house, the native has a powerful business astuteness and possesses good business sources. He achieves wealth and fame in society through his business activities.

Consequently, business opportunities depend on the planets' placement in different houses in horoscope that represents income and finance. Success or failure depends on the combinations of planets and houses aspecting each other at the time of birth of the native.

What are the houses responsible for business success?

Certain houses are responsible for business success in every horoscope. The tenth house/lord stands for fame, Recognition, career growth, rewards, social status, and progress. The 7th house/lord indicates business and partnerships. The opposition from rivals and job prospects are also indicated. This indicates job and obstacles and opposition from rivals at the same time. Malefic in the 6th house gives the stamina to fight against and win over enemies. The third house or the lord reflects on the risk-taking propensity, communication. It is the house that rules your initiatives and your valor. It would be best if you had that fighting spirit to fight over your obstacles. Malefic present here really works like a charm. The First House or its lord speaks for your personality and strength of mind. The blessing of the 11th house is most important as it is the house of gains and income. The second house lord or the house governs money accumulated, presentation, and the ability for speech. The 9th house/lord talks about your fortunes. If several planets gather around the ascendant or the 10th house, they only strengthen them. 10th House holds sway over your Career or Karma. This house gives you the self-confidence and independent spirit necessary for a businessperson to succeed. So, the business fortunes are indicated in such a conducive situation.

The 7th house should be stronger than the 6th for faring well in business.

The natal chart must be replete with dhana and raja yogas, as the business is about wealth.

3rd house shows how much initiative you have, and Mars signifies the extent of your effort. When the 6th house is well disposed compared to the ascendant, it will point at the possibility of engaging in service or job.

Ascendant lords' presence in the 9th upholds the independent spirit, and business is very much a go-to option for these natives.

What influence do planets have on business success?

Planets have certain specific influences on business success of a person. Saturn in third house is yet another planetary configuration that helps the business exceedingly well.

Saturn basically represents service. If Saturn is strong, but the rest of the business indications are absent, the native goes into civil services. If the sun is weak, the reputation will not come easy for the native. Mercury deals with commerce and sales. Venus and Jupiter rule the area of wealth and management. A strong presence of these planets is necessary for a chart to indicate business success.