How are Planets Responsible for Business Selection as per Birth Chart

If you are thinking of starting your own business, you must pay attention to the planets that reside in your horoscope. These planets and their combination with each other spell important information about different aspects of your life. In fact, the right business selection as per birth chart makes all the difference to your success or failure as a businessman. You need to consider a number of astrological factors while thinking of starting a business for yourself. First of all you need to find out the planets responsible for business selection because that is where it all starts from.

There are specific planetary positions that are connected with your source of income. On the basis of general astrology, 2nd, 5th, 9th and 11th houses represent various aspects of your livelihood income.

Personality traits for successful business

Before talking about what astrology says about your business selection, let us hear what Dr. Vinay Bajrangi, the leading astrologer in India, has to say about the different personality traits that make or do not make for a successful businessman-

Passionate, shrewd, practical, hard working, perseverant, and financially astute are some of the highlights of an entrepreneur who has found success in what he or she does. If you think you have all these qualities, then business world is the right place for you.

What the planets say

SUN – Businesses related to government work, import-export, gold, power, medicine and food grains is what would bring you status and fame if you have a strong sun in your birth chart.

MOON – With a strong moon in your horoscope, you could do exceptionally well in businesses that have something to do with water, silver, travel & tour, milk, nursery, toys, transport, salt, polyester clothes, writing, child education and doctors.

MARS – Any business that deals with machinery of all types, electronics, chemical, farming, fertilizer, defense, surgery, vehicles, spare parts, sports equipment, or mines, will bring you success in business if your Mars is strong.

MERCURY – A strong Jupiter in your horoscope means you will achieve desirable success in businesses related to education, entertainment, advertisement, publishing, silver, grains, fruits & vegetables as well as finance, law, call centers and public relation, etc.

JUPITER – With a strong Jupiter in your birth chart, your forte lies in businesses dealing with religious rituals, eateries, motels, NGO, food products, oil, banking, Offset work, etc.

VENUS – You will do great in luxury business, or businesses related to entertainment, such as story writing, acting, theatre, choreography, etc when your Venus is strong. Other businesses that would bring you the desired success would be related to politics, PR, medicines, art forms, jewellery, readymade garments, architecture, interior designing, etc.

SATURN – A strong Saturn indicates great prospects in doing businesses related to metals, labor, architecture, construction work, plumbing, archaeology, finance, economics, wholesale, provision store, land development, packaging, crude oil, etc.

RAHU – An individual whose Rahu is strong in his birth-chart, would do exceptionally well in dealing with automobiles, engineering, chemicals, antibiotics, pathology, occult, smuggling, lottery, foreign languages and import-export.

KETU – Any type of seasonal business, religious business, business in the field of farming, gym equipment, spirituality, manufacturing, astrology, sports goods, heavy vehicles will bring you the desired returns if your horoscope as a strong Ketu.

According to the business yoga in horoscope, whether it is the family business or your own, it needs to be taken great care of. That requires hard work, passion and perseverance. Your horoscope holds all the right answers to all the important questions regarding planets responsible for business selection. In fact, business astrology offers clear-cut interpretation of what is the right and wrong about business prospects of an individual based on the right business selection as per birth chart.

Dr. Bajrangi, who deals with all the branches of astrology, such as career, marriage, divorce, business and health, is capable of replying to all your queries regarding your business prospects. You can approach him for practical advice and consultation regarding business astrology as he offers some of the most sought-after private consultations regarding career prospects and specific job-related queries. So, for the best advice regarding career, marriage and several other major life-changing aspects in your life, consult Dr. Bajrangi, whose writings also reveal an in-depth understanding of the rich tradition of Vedic Astrology. Connect with him on or on phone - +91 9278665588 / 9278555588.