
Spreadsheet Commands


Keyboard shortcuts


Special Characters

Opening Google Docs

Share a clutter-free view of your document

→ Replace /edit with /preview

Force others to make a copy before viewing your document

→ Replace /edit with /copy

Force others to make a copy that includes comments from the original before viewing your document

→ Replace /edit with /copy?copyComments=true

Share an easy-to-copy preview of your document

→ Replace /edit with /template/preview

Share a direct download of a PDF version of your document

→ Google Docs & Sheets: Replace /edit with /export?format=pdf

→ Google Slides & Drawings: Replace /edit with /export/pdf

Start a presentation

→ Replace /edit with /present

Inserting Images from Google Drive

Microsoft 365 Server Limits - CSUN email


Feedback - Feedback happens when you use the iPad with the computer on Zoom.

The problem is that Zoom now automatically connects you to audio.  Click on the More menu, scroll ALL THE WAY DOWN - to Disconnect from Audio!!

Your profile photo will not show up on other people's zoom if you are a "guest".  Do not login from the weblink.  Open the Zoom App, and then paste the link in and use the pass code.  Then your profile photo will show.

Command(⌘)+Control+M: Mute audio for everyone except the host (only available to the host)