Problem Based Learning (PBL)

Problem-based learning (PBL) can be a powerful tool for culturally responsive pedagogy (CRP) in science education. 

1. Leverage Student Experiences:

2. Diverse Solutions & Knowledge Systems:

3. Collaboration and Communication:

4. Real-World Application:

5. Student Ownership and Voice:

Problem Based Learning (PBL) - NGSS ETS Standards

NGSS - ETS standards  - The NGSS ETS Standards are good examples of PBL

Lesson Plan Format

Present a real-world problem or scenario.

Independent Research

Brainstorming and creative thinking.

Develop presentations or reports outlining solutions.

Facilitate a reflective discussion on the learning process.

PBL Scenarios

Science and Technology:

Healthcare and Medicine:

Business and Economics:


Social Sciences:

Environmental Science:


Arts and Culture:

Law and Justice:

Information Technology:

Agriculture and Food:

Psychology and Human Behavior:

History and Archaeology:

Sports and Recreation:

Communications and Media:

Mathematics and Statistics:

Linguistics and Language Learning:

Architecture and Urban Planning:

Space Exploration and Astronomy:

Philosophy and Ethics: