Online Learning in International Education 2018 New Zealand



Online Learning in International Education 

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Herr, Norman.  Continuous Formative Assessment (CFA) During Blended and Online Instruction using Cloud-Based Collaborative Documents. 2018 International Conference, Online Learning in International Education.  Auckland, New Zealand. January, 2018 This session describes the Continuous Formative Assessment (CFA) model for utilizing cloud-based collaborative document technology to instantly collect responses from multiple students, groups, and class sections. Utilizing CFA, instructors can collect student response data from large sets of students across groups or classes and analyze them quickly and accurately. Instructors of online and blended learning courses can employ CFA strategies to enhance student engagement and monitor student understanding during synchronous online or in- Continuous Formative Assessment (CFA) using Cloud-Based Collaborative Documents 2 person instruction. As instructors analyze student responses, instruction adjustments can be made to meet immediate student needs. This chapter introduces specific instructional strategies that may be employed to increase the accountability and involvement of students in online settings. Preliminary data suggests that the CFA methodology promotes engagement, accountability, and understanding through formative assessment for both students and instructors.  In this session, participants will gain hands-on real-time experience with Continuous Formative Assessment.

Herr, N., Rivas, M., Chang, T., Tippens, M., Vandergon, V., d'Alessio, M., & Nguyen-Graff, D. (2015) . Continuous formative assessment (CFA) during blended and online instruction using cloud-based collaborative documents. In Koç, S., Wachira, P., & Liu, X. (Eds.), Assessment in Online and Blended Learning Environments. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Tutorials to master techniques of continuous formative assessment

 Synchronous Online tools



 Photo albums


 Collaborative charts 


Apps for formative assessment