Possible Dependent Variables
breadth (breadth of branches, breadth of roots)
cell (cell size, stage of mitosis, cell turgor)
chlorophyll (content, distribution, ratio of A to B)
color (leaf color, stem color, fruit color)
energy (calories, distribution within plant parts)
fruit (quantity, appearance, size, texture, quality)
fruit quality (nutrients, shape, size, quantity)
germination (percent, time to germination, survival)
growth response (nutation, etiolation, geotropism, phototropism)
growth rings (number, width, spacing)
guttation (rate, content, distribution)
height (height of plant, length of shoots, length of roots)
life stages (time to flower, time to produce fruits, time of fruit drop)
longevity (lifetime of plant, mortality rate)
mass (wet mass, dry mass, estimated mass)
metabolism (rate of photosynthesis, rate of respiration)
mortality (antibiotic sensitivity, herbicide sensitivity, mortality rate)
movement (phototropism, geotropism, nastic movement)
pests (molds, rusts, mildews, insects, snails, rodents, birds)
plant structures (trichomes, pubescence, appearance under microscope)
protein (tissue concentration, distribution, presence)
reproduction rate (number of offspring, generation time)
seeds (quantity, appearance, size, viability)
shape (shapes of leaves, plant shape, root shape)
starch (concentration, distribution)
surface area (leaf size, exposed surfaces)
translocation (speed of dye movement, location of dye movement)
transpiration (water loss over time, water loss in leaves)
transport (osmosis, diffusion, active transport)
width (thickness of stems, thickness of roots)