Atomic Radius

Properties of the Elements

Deductive Reasoning

Deduction is the process of drawing a conclusion from available information While inductive reasoning allows you to learn something new about the world; deductive reasoning allows you to apply what you have learned.

Example of a deductive argument:

All noble gasses are stable. 

Neon is a noble gas. 

Therefore, neon is stable.

Using Deductive Reasoning - Finding missing elements

Find the missing elements - Complete the Periodic table activity

Using Deductive Reasoning - Predicting atomic radii

Introduction - Look for patterns in the following three graphs with respect to atomic number and family in light of information in the periodic table.  Record your observations in the quickwrite.

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(1) the radius is dependent upon outermost electrons 

Bohr Model

(2) the nucleus is positive

(3) electrons are negative

(4) opposites attract

(5) electrons can occupy only specific energy levels

Based upon this, we can assume that atomic radius increases within a family and deacreases within a period. 

Deductive task

Periodic Tables


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Additional activity: Find the missing elements