

Herr, N. (2008). The Sourcebook for Teaching Science – Strategies, Activities, and Instructional Resources.San Francisco. John Wiley. 584 pages. 

Herr, N. & Cunningham, J. (1999). Hands-On Chemistry Activities with Real-Life Applications. West Nyack, New York, Jossey-Bass (Prentice-Hall). 638 pages. 

Cunningham, J. & Herr, N. (1994).  Hands-On Physics Activities with Real-Life Applications. West Nyack, New York, Jossey-Bass (Simon & Schuster), 670 pages. 

Herr, N. (1990).  Advanced Science Instruction in American High Schools: A Comparative Analysis of the Perceived Influence of Advanced Placement and Honors Programs on the Quality of Science Education. (Doctoral dissertation, University of California, Los Angeles, 1990)  Dissertation Abstracts International, 51, 07A.) 466 pages.

Herr, N. California Framework for Teaching Chemistry - Four Course Model (2017). California Department of Education. 

Herr, N. California Framework for Teaching Physics - Four Course Model (2017). California Department of Education. 

d'Alessio, M.; Herr, N. California Framework for Teaching Physics - Three Course Model - Physics in the Universel (2016). California Department of Education. 

d'Alessio, M.; Herr, N. California Framework for Teaching Physics - Three Course Model - Chemistry in the Earth Systeml (2016). California Department of Education. 


Herr, N. (2014). The Sourcebook for Teaching Science – Strategies, Activities, and Instructional Resources.( (visited by more than one million visitors each year). 

Herr, N. (2013). Everyone in the Pool! Collaborative Data Analysis in the Science Classroom. HP Catalyst Academy. (


Herr, N.; Tippens, M.; Rivas, M.; Vandergon, V., d'Alessio, M., & Reveles, J. (2016). Continuous Formative Assessment (CFA) - A cloud-based pedagogy for evaluating student understanding to optimize STEM teaching and learning. In Chao, L.,  Cloud-Based STEM Education for Improved Learning Outcomes to be published by IGI Global, Hershey, PA: IGI-Global Publishing.  (Make a copy as a Google Doc)

Vandergon, V., Herr, N.; Tippens, M.; Rivas, M.; d'Alessio, M., & Reveles, J. (2015). Collaborative data analysis. In Chao, L., Cloud-Based STEM Education for Improved Learning Outcomes to be published by IGI Global, Hershey, PA: IGI-Global Publishing.  (Make a copy as a Google Doc)

Herr, N., Rivas, M., Chang, T., Tippens, M., Vandergon, V., d'Alessio, M., & Nguyen-Graff, D. (2015) . Continuous formative assessment (CFA) during blended and online instruction using cloud-based collaborative documents. In Koç, S., Wachira, P., & Liu, X. (Eds.), Assessment in Online and Blended Learning Environments. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Articles & Presentations

Herr, N.  (2020) Employing Remote-Sensing Data to Develop Models of  Earth Systems.  Association of Science Teacher Educators (ASTE). Honolulu, HI 

Herr, N.  (2020) Modeling Complex Systems.  Association of Science Teacher Educators (ASTE). Honolulu, HI 

Herr, N. (2018) Continuous formative assessment (CFA) during blended and online instruction using cloud-based collaborative documents. 2018 International Conference on Online Learning in International Education, Aukland, New Zealand

Belgrad, S., Herr, N., Lutz, O. (2017) Next Generation Science Standards and the NASA Educator Professional Development Consortium: Preparing the Pipeline for Diverse Students’ STEM Success.  Hawaii International Conference on Education.  Honolulu, HI

Herr, N.  (2017) Continuous Formative Assessment (CFA) using Cloud-Based Collaborative Resources.  Hawaii International Conference on Education.  Honolulu, HI

Herr, N. (2017) -  Continuous Formative Assessment.  Western Regional Noyce Conference, Fresno, CA

Herr, N. (2015). Teaching STEM to Diverse Students with Cloud Computing - California STEM Symposium, San Diego, CA

Herr, N., & Rivas, M. (2014). Using Cloud-Based Collaborative Resources to Conduct Continuous Formative Assessment. Proceedings of the 12th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education. 5-8 January, Honolulu, HI: HICE.

Herr, N., & Rivas, M. (2014). Engaging Students in the Science and Engineering Practices of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) with Computer Supported Collaborative Science (CSCS). Proceedings of the 12th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education. 5-8 January, Honolulu, HI: HICE.

Foley, B., Reveles, J., Herr, N., Tippens, M., d'Alessio, M., Lundquist, L., Castillo, K.,& Vandergon, V. (2014) . Computer Supported Collaborative Science (CSCS): An Instructional Model for Teaching the NGSS. Proceedings of the 2014 International Meeting of the Association for Science Teacher Education. New York: Springer-ASTE.

Herr, N., Rivas, M. (2014). Computer Supported Collaborative Science (CSCS): Engaging Students in the Science and Engineering Practices of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) with Computer Supported Collaborative Science (CSCS). Proceedings of the 2014 International Meeting of the Association for Science Teacher Education.

Herr, N., & Tippens, M. (2013) . Using scanning apps on smart phones to perform continuous formative assessments of student problem-solving skills during instruction in mathematics and science classes. In T. Bastiaens & G. Marks (Eds.). Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2013 (pp. 1138-1143). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

Herr, N., Rivas, M., Foley, B., d'Alessio, M. & Vandergon, V. (2012) . Using cloud-based collaborative documents to perform continuous formative assessment during instruction. In T. Bastiaens & G. Marks (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2012 (pp. 612-615). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

Herr, N., Rivas, M., Foley, B., Vandergon, V., d'Alessio, M., Simila, G., Nguyen-Graff, D. & Postma, H. (2012). Employing collaborative online documents for continuous formative assessments. In P. Resta (Ed.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2012 (pp. 3899-3903). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

Herr, N., Rivas, M., Foley, B., Vandergon, V., & Simila, G. (2011) . Using collaborative web-based documents to instantly collect and analyze whole class data. Proceedings of the 9th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education (pp. 2497-2507). 3-7 January, Honolulu, HI: HICE.

Herr, N., Rivas, M., Foley, B., Vandergon, V., Simila, G., d'Alessio, M., & Potsma, H. (2011) . Computer Supported Collaborative Education - Strategies for using collaborative web-based technologies to engage all learners. Proceedings of the 9th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education (pp.2508-2509). 3-7 January, Honolulu, HI: HICE.

Herr, N. & Rivas, M. (2010) . Teaching the Nature of Scientific Research by Collecting and Analyzing Whole-Class Data Using Collaborative Web-Based Documents. In J. Sanchez & K. Zhang (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2010 (pp. 1029-1034). Chesapeake, VA: AACE. 

Herr, N. & Rivas, M. (2010) . The use of collaborative web-based documents and websites to build scientific research communities in science classrooms. Proceedings of the 8th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education, 7-10 January (pp. 851-858), Honolulu, HI: HICE.

Herr, Norman (2010) Instructional Resources for the Teaching of Secondary School Science  - Application of Research Findings to the Teaching of Inquiry-Based Science. Proceedings of the 8th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education, 7-10 January (pp. 886-887), Honolulu, HI: HICE.

Subject Matter Assessment in Life Sciences Committee (1990).  Subject Matter Assessment of Prospective Biology Teachers. California State University Document. 31 pages. 

California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (1998) Final Report of the Computer Education Advisory Panel: Proposed Standards of Program Quality and Effectiveness Relative to the Implementation of AB 1023  (Chapter 404, Statutes of 1997).  (Effective Use of Computer-Based Technology in the Classroom for Preliminary Multiple and Single Subject Teaching Credentials.  And Effective Use of Advanced Computer-Based Technology in the Classroom for Professional Multiple and Single Subject Teaching Credentials.) California Commission on Teacher Credentialing.  40 pages.

Herr, N., R. Esterle, M. Holzer, C. Sparks, & M. Martin (1995).  Preparing Student Teachers for Alternative Assessment in Science.  Journal of Science Teacher Education.6(1), 27-32.

Herr, N (1992). Using an electronic database to solve practical problems in nutrition. In: Murdock, E. & P. Desberg, Eds., Computers in the Curriculum: Exercises for Integrating Technology into Instruction. Long Beach, CA., California State University Press, 133-154. 

Advanced Placement Program

Herr, N (1993).  The Relationship Between Advanced Placement and Honors Science Courses. School Science and Mathematics. 93 (4), 183-187.

Herr, N. (1993).  National curricula for advanced science classes in American high schools? The Influence of the College Board's Advanced Placement Program on Science Curricula. International Journal of Science Education. 15 (3), 297-306.

Herr, N. (1992).  A comparative analysis of the perceived influence of Advanced Placement and honors programs upon science instruction.  Journal of Research in Science Education. 29 (5),  521-532.

Herr, N. (1992).  Administrative policies regarding Advanced Placement and honors coursework.  National Association of Secondary School Principals Bulletin. May, 1992, 80-87.

Herr, N (1991). The influence of program format on the professional development of science teachers:  A within-subjects analysis of the perceptions of teachers who have taught AP and honors science to comparable student populations.  Science Education 75 (6).  619-621. 

Herr, N. (1991). Perspectives and policies regarding Advanced Placement and honors courseworkCollege and University. 62 (2).  47-54.


Biological Research

Ball, C., J Keeley, H. Mooney, J. Seeman, W. Winner, N. Herr, (1983).  Relationship between form, function, and distribution of two Arctostaphylos species (Ericaceae) and their putative hybridsActa Œcologia/ Œcologia Plantarum. vol 4 (18),  153-164.

Herr, N., & K.W. McLeod (1977). Leaf water relationships of Nyssa aquatica as affected by simulated thermal effluents. Fifth Ecological Symposia: Energy and Environmental Stress in Aquatic Systems. November 2-4, 1977. (abstract).

Herr, N., & K.W. McLeod (1979). Leaf water relationships of Nyssa aquatica as affected by simulated thermal effluents. Proceedings of the Association of the 1979 Southeastern Biologists Convention. (abstract).

Other References