Nutrition & Health 

Analyzing  personal, community, national, and international  diets and health

The best way to do this activity is to engage in the activities and answer the questions listed below. 


Game Show

Play the nutrtrition 'Jeopary!" Game show.  After playing report on the value of games as an "Engage" or "Evaluation" technique in the classroom.

Nutrition Related Health Issues

Check to box if you know of an individual who deals with any of the following nutrition-related issues:.

Obesity is a significant public health concern associated with a myriad of serious health issues. Individuals with obesity are at an increased risk of developing chronic conditions such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, and certain types of cancer. The excess body weight can lead to mechanical problems, including joint pain and osteoarthritis, while respiratory issues such as sleep apnea are also common.

Type 2 diabetes, often tied to lifestyle factors, results in insulin resistance, leading to complications such as cardiovascular problems, kidney damage, nerve issues, and vision impairment. Both types require careful management, including medication, lifestyle changes, and regular monitoring to prevent severe health consequences.


Nutrients - Use FoodStruct Diet Analysis tool to record the food you eat on an "average" day.  Specify the correct proportions by using the appropriate pull-down menus.  When you have entered all foods, select the "Analyze Foods" button and the "Display all Nutrients" button.

Glycemic Index - The glycemic index (GI) is a numerical scale that assigns values to carbohydrates based on their impact on blood sugar levels, with low-GI foods having values below 55, indicating a slower and more gradual rise, while high-GI foods typically have values above 70, signifying a quicker and higher spike in blood glucose. What is the glycemic index of your 1-day diet?

Fast Food / Meals prepared at home 

Comparisons of Candies -


Developing a model  for dietary trends and health issues

Developing a diet to reduce the risk of heart disease - Watch this video - Reducing the threat of osteoporosis [9:28]

Elaborate / Extend

Nutrition infographics

Nutrition issues in the world 


Create a Nutrition Infographic