Sequence recollection
Using a big screen, highlight each of the sequences (by scrolling to the right after the number: they are currently hidden as white text).
Provide time for students to write what they recall
At the completion of all 4 sets, ask students to complete this survey. Students record the number of letters or numbers in the correct sequence. Count numbers or letters that are in the correct sequence, even if interrupted by letters or numbers that are incorrect.
(1a) lpmerotaziderbeeemss
(1b) plemoratizedbreemess
(2a) pserdaucttylawtrawsy
(2b) psbrentcuttlywarways
(3a) bseggnrieletnlienbfar
(3b) begreeninfrabeltlings
(4a) 41296170610271679141
(4b) 14921607162017761941