Exercise & Motion Analysis 1

Collecting motion data

There are a number of apps (e.g. MotionX)  that allow users to monitor their latitude, longitude and elevelation over time.  You can analyze your power, kinetic energy, gravitational potential energy, and other parameters during exercise by analyzing details of of the files that are generated by the apps.  The primary file types are:

Analysis of the physics of your exercise

Sample files:  These are short mountain bike rides that I have taken in the local mountains.  Each trip is a "round trip" in which I started and ended at the same place.  View the course of each using MotionX website and Google Earth. 

Analyze trips - Analyze the  gpx files  of these trips using Utrack

Rider Information.  For the GPX files included in this report, please use the following values.  For your own routes, please include your information when performing calculations. 


When you are done with this activity, try Exercise & Motion Analysis 2