Historic Photos 

Mount Wilson

Altadena, California.  Birthplace of Modern Astronomy

Altadena Historic Photos

Mount Wilson, California, is renowned for its historic Mount Wilson Observatory, established in 1904 by George Ellery Hale. Located in the San Gabriel Mountains, overlooking Altadena, is considered the birthplace of modern astronomy. It was here that Edwin Hubble discovered the universe's expansion in the 1920s using the Hooker Telescope. The observatory also contributed to the understanding of the Milky Way's size and our location within it, thanks to Harlow Shapley. Additionally, Albert Michelson conducted experiments here that measured the speed of light with unprecedented accuracy. Beyond its scientific heritage, Mount Wilson offers extensive hiking trails and panoramic views, attracting both researchers and outdoor enthusiasts.

The following scanned from postcards and photos collected by my mother, Elizabeth Herr, as well as my own photos.  Click here to view and download photos of Mount Wilson.