Scientific Notation/ Logs


Scientific Notation

Scientific Notation - Calculations
Powers of Ten

As you can see, the exponent of 10 is the number of places the decimal point must be shifted to give the number in long form. A positive exponent shows that the decimal point is shifted that number of places to the right. A negative exponent shows that the decimal point is shifted that number of places to the left. (None of these appear above, because they would be really SMALL numbers...but you get the idea!)

The number of digits reported indicates the number of significant figures. This can help you figure out when the zeroes are important, and when they are just "place-holders".

4.660 x 107 = 46,600,000

This number has 4 significant figures. The first zero is the only one that is significant, the rest are only place-holders. As another example,

5.3 x 10-4 = 0.00053

This number has 2 significant figures. LEADING zeroes are always place-holders.

How to do calculations:

On your scientific calculator:

Make sure that the number in scientific notation is put into your calculator correctly

Read the directions for your particular calculator. For most scientific calculators:

To check yourself, multiply 5 x 1010 by 6 x 10-4 on your calculator. Your answer should be 3 x 107 (your calculator may say"3E7", which is the same thing).

If you don't have a scientific calculator, you will need to know the following rules for combining numbers expressed in scientific notation:

Addition and Subtraction:



Powers of Exponentials:

Roots of Exponentials:


Answers: (1) 4.67 x 10-4; 3.2 x 107 (2)0.00543 (3) 2.3 x 10-10 (2 significant figures) (4) 5.1 x 108 (2 significant figures) (5) 1.96 x 10-10 (3 significant figures) (6) 3.73 x 104 (3 significant figures)