Favorite Quotations

Quotes by Notable Scientists about Science & Faith

James Clerk Maxwell

"Father of modern physics".  Maxwell's equations describe the nature of static and moving electrical and magnetic charges, and the relationship that exists between both. They further suggest that light is in fact a type of electromagnetic wave or a form of electromagnetic radiation, and this theoretical idea helped Marconi to invent the radio.

Max Planck

 "Father of quantum physics". Quantum theory revolutionized our understanding of atomic and subatomic processes, just as Albert Einstein’s theories of relativity revolutionized our understanding of gravity, space, and time. 

James Prescott Joule 

thermodynamics, conservation of energy

Sir William Thomson, Lord Kelvin

Formulator of the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics.

Louis Pasteur

Father of bacteriology

Galileo Galilei 

Father of observational astornomy

Johannes Kepler 

Laws of planetary motion

Sir Isaac Newton

pioneer of modern physics

George Washington Carver 

African American botanist and inventor 

Invented numerous uses for the peanut and other plants

Tycho Brahe

"Father of observational astronomy" collected data necessary for development of the laws of planetary motion

Michael Yearly

Pastor, The Church at Rocky Peak

Quotes by Notable Scientists about Science

Johannes Kepler

Discovered the three laws of planetary motion. 

Louis Pasteur

French biologist & chemist, 1822-1895

Developed the process of pasteurization and helped establish the germ theory of disease.  He was a co-founder of bacteriology, and developed new vaccines. 

Marie Curie

Pioneer in the field of radioactivity  

Edwin Hubble

Discovered cosmological redshift and laid the foundation for physical cosmology.  He was the first to discover galaxies beyond the Milky Way.

Nikola Tesla

Inventor of polyphase power distribution systems and the AC motor which lead to the second industrial revolution.

Isaac Newton

Discovered the universal law of gravitation and laws of motion.  He laid the foundations for classical mechanics and the development of calculus.

Wernher Von Braun

Father of the American space program and chief architect of the Saturn V rocket that took men to the moon. 

Thomas Alva Edison

Established the first industrial research laboratory.  He was one of the most prolific inventors of all time, inventing a sound recording device (phonograph), motion pictures, a practical incandescent light bulb, and had 1090 inventions for which he received patents.

Albert Einstein

Formulated special and general theories of relativity and made significant contributions to quantum theory and statistical mechanics

Robert Goddard

The pioneer of controlled, liquid-fueled rocketry

Enrico Fermi

Developed quantum theory and the first nuclear reactor.

James Prescott Joule

Discovered the first law of thermodynamics, conservation of energy.  He also discovered the relationship of heat to mechanical work

Galielo Galilei

Father of modern astronomy and physics