What in the Universe?


1 Agatized dinosaur bone cells,

2 Agricultural Fields, Central Valley, CA

3 Agricultural Fields, Netherlands

4 Alpine environment, Swiss Alps

5 Aluvial Fan. California desert

6 Ant head

7 Brain, coronal view of a mouse brain

8 Cancer cells (HeLa)

9 Crop Circles, center pivot irrigation, Mideast

10 Crystallized acetaminophen (Tylenol)

11 Deforestation, Amazonian Basin

12 Draining of Aral Sea, Uzbekistan

13 Dried antibody precipitate

14 Epidermis of a leaf

15 Flies caught insectivorous sundew plant)

16 Galaxy; Spiral galaxy

17 Globular Star Cluster

18 Glomerulus of kidney

19 Granitic batholith, Half Dome, CA

20 Green algae undergoing cell division

21 Head of a tapeworm 

22 Hurricane

23 Ice floes, Greenland

24 Image sensor (CCD from digital camera)

25 Interference patterns in soap film

26    Kidney cell

27 Lava Flows, Maua Loa, Hawaii

28 Lights, urbanization in Europe and Africa

29 Meteor Crater, Arizona

30 Microchip surface

31 Mitotic human cells

32 nebula (Crab Nebula)

33 Neurons

34 Ocean surface, Maui

35 Oil fields, Ventura, CA

36 Plant fibers in paper

37 Pollen Grains

38 Retinal cells (mouse)

39 Sand

40 Sand Dunes, Sarhara Desert

41 Shoreline, Receeding shoreline due to drought, Lake Powell

42 Snowflake

43 Stars, time exposure

44 Stigma with pollen

45 Surf, Point Break, Campus Point, UCSB

46 Tidal flats, Bahamas

47 Trachea, silkworm

48 Vocano, composite volcano, Mt. Shasta, CA

49 Volcano, Olympus Mons, Mars

50 Wing of a butterfly