
The quest for a cause & cure-8

Eijkman’s research indicated that there is a vital substance in the pericarpium (silver skin) of rice that prevents the onset of beriberi.  Later, this substance became known as a “vital-amine”, or vitamin.  Prisoners subsequently received unhusked  rice, and within a very short time beriberi disappeared from the prison system.   

Cure for Scurvy

On one of Christopher Columbus's voyages some Portuguese sailors developed scurvy and requested to be dropped off on one of the newly discovered islands so they could die on land, rather than at sea.  On a later voyage, Columbus returned to the island and found the men alive and healthy,  and named the island Curacao, meaning “cure”.  


In the middle of the eighteenth century, the Scottish physician James Lind  noted that sailors given a diet rich in citrus fruit rapidly recovered from the dreaded scourge.   In response to Lind’s work, the British navy soon required crews to carry citrus such as lime on all voyages, and the British sailors thus acquired the nickname “limeys”.


Eijkman originally  set out to find the germ responsible for beriberi, but instead discovered that the disease was caused by the absence of a “vital substance” (vitamin).  In 1929, Christiaan Eijkman was awarded the Nobel Prize in physiology and medicine for the discovery of vitamins, a group of organic substances essential in small quantities for animal nutrition and metabolism.  Years later, Casimir Funk, a Polish emigrant to the United States, identified Eijkman’s vital material as thiamine, or vitamin B-1. 

Question-8: Is there any relationship between these cures for scurvy and the cure that Eijkman found for beriberi?