
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) & Strengths-Based Learning

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and strengths-based learning are complementary approaches. UDL removes barriers and provides multiple access points for learning, while strengths-based learning capitalizes on students' existing abilities. Together, they create a powerful synergy: UDL ensures all students can engage their strengths, and strengths-based learning helps identify areas where UDL can provide the most effective support.

Universal Design

Consider the engineering features included in automobiles to meet the needs of specific populations.  How many of these features do you use?


Differentiation consists of the efforts of teachers to respond to variance among learners in the classroom. Whenever a teacher reaches out to an individual or small group to vary his or her teaching in order to create the best learning experience possible, that teacher is differentiating instruction.

Teachers need to address the special needs of wide variety of learning including...

How do you differentiate by modifying...

Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

UDL Principles - Universal design calls for "the design of products and environments to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation or specialized design. 

UDL is intended to increase access to learning by reducing physical, cognitive, intellectual, and organizational barriers to learning, as well as other obstacles


Adaptive Technologies

UDL - universal design for learning

Universal Design

Next Generation Science Standards

What Really Works Conference - Example on SEP-2, Developing and Using Models