Graphing Stories

(1) Matching Stories to Graphs

Instructions:  Graphs are a way of telling stories.  Open the Matching Stories to Graphs form and match the graphs with the appropriate stories. 

(2) Creating graphs from stories

Draw graphs of each of the following stories.  Analyze the story, select the appropriate x-axis (independent variable) and y-axis (dependent variable), and plot a rough graph on the  appropriate slide

(1) Dribbling a basketball.

(2) Traveling up the lift hill and down the first drop of a roller coaster.

(3) Money is placed in the bank at a constant rate of interest.

(4) A thermostatically controlled air conditioner is turned on in a warm room.

(5) The movement of bridesmaids in a wedding march.

(6) The height of grass of a well-maintained lawn during growing season.

(7) The radioactive decay of the unstable isotope, uranium-238.

(8) A trumpet player practicing his or her scales from middle C to high C and back twice.

(9) The speed of an orbiting spacecraft.

(10) The population growth of mice introduced to a very small island.  The population is ultimately limited by the food supply.

(3) Create a Graph from Data Points - The Keeling Curve 

In 1958 C. David Keeling of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography started recording the atmospheric carbon dioxide levels at the Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii. His work was later adopted by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration  (NOAA), which continuously plots carbon dioxide data year-around. Create the Keeling Curve of atmospheric carbon dioxide as a function of time from this data:

This activity is from the Sourcebook for Teaching Science (20.3).  Complete the following survey and grade with Flubaroo.   Make a copy of this form.  (Norm will add you as a collaborator, and then you can make a copy)

Graphing Stories (Desmos activity)