Cognitive Rigor Matrix

Hess's Cognitive Rigor Matrix, developed by Karin K. Hess in 2009, is a framework designed to classify educational tasks based on two dimensions: cognitive processes and knowledge demands. This matrix provides a systematic way to analyze and categorize the complexity of learning objectives and assessments. The two dimensions are:

Cognitive Processes: This dimension represents the mental operations or skills required by students to successfully complete a task. The matrix categorizes cognitive processes into four levels: Recall and Reproduction, Skills and Concepts, Strategic Thinking, and Extended Thinking. These levels reflect increasing complexity of cognitive engagement.

Knowledge Demands: This dimension focuses on the type and depth of knowledge required for a task. It categorizes knowledge into four levels: Factual Knowledge, Conceptual Knowledge, Procedural Knowledge, and Metacognitive Knowledge.

The Cognitive Rigor Matrix thus provides a visual representation of the relationship between cognitive processes and knowledge demands, offering educators a tool to design and assess tasks that align with their instructional goals and desired levels of cognitive engagement.


Hess, K. K. (2009). “Rigor” Re-defined. Center for Assessment. Retrieved from